2: scared me to death

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I stopped breathing. Why you may ask? because alex decided to pop up in my room while i was reading a 1d fanfic. When i said he said he scared me to death, he literally scared me to death. But i have a feeling i didn't stop breathing because of that, it just gave myself a little push.

"Jenny i'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" alex started crying. i start wheezing "Mrs wineland! please jenissa can't breath!" alex cried. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" 'mom started crying.
"my poor baby! let's get you to the hospital alex please carry her" mom with glossed eyes looked over to alex.

You may been wondering who is alex? He's my bestfriend since kindergarten, and no we don't have feelings for eachother sadly he swings the other way ladys, damn why do men always get the good ones. It all started when he asked me what i had in my nose.

"why you got a funny thing in your nose jensa?" young alex asked while pointing to my nose. "well mommy says i can't breathe on my own so i have to bring this thingy wherever i go" i answer to alex. "it's kinda annoying sometimes and heavy" i joke and alex giggles. "jensa you're super cool! we are friends now" alex said determined as he grabs my hand and drags me to the play ground. i start wheezing "ohmygosh jensa are you ok?!" alex said about to cry as if he did something wrong. " i just need to relax and go slow don't go so fast alex i cant breathe" i explain to the now crying alex. " i'm so sorry i'll never do that again!" alex said while hugging me.
And that lady and gents started great years of friendship.

On the drive to the emergency room all i could think about is will i die? I mean i don't know, i mostly already know the answer to that question but this time it feels different a different aura. And it's not a good one.

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