In The Arms Of An Angel

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Chapter Two: In The Arms Of An Angel


Blue's POV:

I received a call from... Cross? Wonder what he wanted to talk about. Maybe he needed help making tacos again! Or maybe something important? Anywho, I picked up the phone.

-After the call-

I teleported to Nightmare's mansion as soon as I ended the call. I rushed up the stairs to Error's room, kicking down the door and knocking it right off of it's hinges. My eyelights rested on the broken skeleton in front of me. A look of pure horror written all across my skull. I snapped out of my trance and immediately started to heal him. I was fighting back tears and when I looked at the other two skeletons in the room. They too, were holding back tears. Cross looked like he was about to loose it. Nightmare had a glassy eyelight. He looks ready to shed a tear.

I picked up a rib that was lying next to Error, began to find which rib space it belonged to, and started to heal it. A tear slipping down my cheekbone.

After 15-20 minutes of healing, I started to feel exhausted from healing Error. It takes a lot of magic to heal. So far I've managed to stop all bleeding, reattach all of the pieces that were laying on the bedside, and heal major injuries. The minor ones will have to wait until later. I wrapped his arms, legs, and torso in bandages so the minor injuries will not be infected by the time I heal him later. The very last thing I healed, with my last bit of remaining magic, was his skull. It left a web-like marking behind. It will fade in a few hours though.

I turned around to find Cross no longer there, but Nightmare was asleep in the chair in the corner of the room. Shaking him gently, he woke from his slumber. I waited a few seconds until he woke up completely.

"I finished healing Error. Where are the pain-killers?" I asked the goopy skeleton.

"Top shelf, medicine cabinet in Error's bathroom." He replied swiftly after a moment of thinking.

"Thank you!" I said before rushing to the bathroom.

I found the pain-killers and practically flew out of the room, down the stairs to fetch a glass of water for when Error wakes up. While I was exhausted myself, I will always put my friends before myself. My legs felt wobbly so I slowed my walk back up the stairs. Upon entering the room, I found Nightmare crouched beside Error. He was.... Whispering to him? Strange, but didn't think too much of it. I put the glass of water and pain-killers on the nightstand and left the room without saying a word. As I was walking down the stairs, I saw the rest of Nightmare's gang playing Uno. I don't think they know about Error yet. Dust asked me if I wanted to join and I politely declined. I told them that I needed some rest. We said our farewells and I teleported home.

Error's POV:

Darkness wrapped around me like a blanket, making me feel warm and secure. I wasn't exactly standing, more like floating in place. I wasn't dreaming either, Dream stole those from me years ago. It was completely black everywhere I looked, surrounding me in darkness.
The first few minutes were like that. Then slowly, the feeling of being held replaced the floating-like feeling. I slowly fell asleep. I can't tell whether it was because of the secure and comforting aura or the fact that I haven't slept for 16 1/2 years. But as I fell deeper and deeper into my slumber, sweet words were whispered to me. One's of a woman. She whispered things like, 'Sleep well, my child' and 'Things will get better soon, I promise'. For the first time in a very long time, I truly felt loved and safe.

. . . . . But all good things

do eventually end. . . .


Pretty good so far... Right? I'm trying. Writing is not my strong suit, editing and revising is. In this book, Blue can teleport. I believe he can because he is still a Sans with a Papyrus personality. Screw logic.

Y'all already know who was holding smol Error and whispering the sweet things right?

Yeah. It was me. Jkjk

I do hope you enjoyed. And if not, whatever.


(743 words)


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