Chapter 1

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My alarm went off on my phone followed by the alarm on my nightstand. I rolled over and turned both off to stop the blaring noise. You think being a spy, that I would be used to every hour but I still hate mornings. I shut my eyes and tried to get some more sleep before the second alarm went off. My bed was so comfy I didn't want to get up. I made sure when I moved in to my penthouse apartment to buy the softest sheets and coldest pillows. However, there was work to be done today. I rolled the blankets off to me to discover I slept in my gymwear from last night.

"Great" I said sarcastically.

After meet with Matt, or the target, I left and went to the gym to practice my martial arts. Evidently, when I got home I didn't take off my blank tank top or my grey leggings. That's usually happens when I'm engrossed in my work. I could see the papers strewn across a glass table alongside my laptop. This case was an interesting one. As I discarded my clothes and stepped into the bathroom, I pondered the details.

From what I've read, Matt Bradley is just a well known popular actor and genuinely nice guy. So why does the agency want him dead? He has to have done something. As I got in the shower and rinsed off my thoughts began to drift. Surely someone with that jawline couldn't be all bad right? And the way his back filled out his shirt perfectly- I had to stop myself before I went too far. This is a kill mission not a fantasy.

Time skip...

"Thank you for visiting Lieke Library, how may I assist you?" A woman asked.

"I need to reserve a private room" I said matter of factly.

"Ok sounds good, business I presume?" She asked smiling as she reached for a key.

I didn't respond, instead choosing to stare at her blankly.

"Ok.. Well here's the key to room 322, it's down the right and on the left" She said.

"Thanks" I said taking the key and walking off.

Even though I can do my research anywhere, it's easier to blend in, in public settings. Plus it increased my interactions with other's, which helped in studying people and their choices. I closed the door behind me and set my bag down on the table. I pulled out my laptop, files, phone and sat down. Time to get some recon done.

I scrolled through countless websites and social medias to get an even better idea of who Matt Bradley was. A lot of his posts were comedic or satirical. There seemed to be no woman in his life though. Surprising. That does leave one less hurdle in getting the job done though. Nothing worse than having someone walk in on you killing a man. While many posts were just of himself, some of them included a man with dark hair and glasses. Not often enough to be gay but often enough to be a friend. As I was looking at an article, I couldn't help but feel someone was watching me. I looked behind me as if someone was watching me. No one appeared to even be looking in my direction, so I turned back around. Still minutes later, I couldn't help but feel eyes were on me. I looked back behind me and out the glass one more time but again saw nothing. I was about to turn back to my laptop before I saw blonde hair out of the corner of my eye.

There she was, looking dead at me before giving me a wink. My once partner, Agent Miller. I rolled my eyes as she got up and walked towards the room. I really didn't have time for this right now. She opened the door and stepped inside gingerly before closing it behind her.

"Hey Liv" She said smiling.

"Courtney" I said.

"How's Mr. Bradley doing?" She asked.

"I'm busy- wait how do you know about the target?" I asked.

"Duh, I'm your chaperone of course" She said smirking.

"I don't need a chaperone or manager, why are you here?" I said annoyed.

"Well that's not what Ms. Cooper thought, otherwise I wouldn't be here" Courtney remarked.

Ugh, just what I need.

"Ugh fine, just make sure you don't screw this up for me" I said.

"Oh you mean like how you screwed me over?" She said with sass.

"That was a long time ago, I told you it was just a fling" I said sighing.

"Oh really? A fling? I wish I would've known that before I made you breakfast after you fucked me" Courtney said putting her hands on her hips.

Here we go again.

"I already said I was sorry" I said.

"Yeah, I was sorry to get involved with an in denial lesbo too"She said.

"I'm not-" I began.

"Not what?" She said.

"I'm not a lesbian" I said.

"Sure fooled me"Courtney said.

"You never let me finish" I said.

"Because I don't care what you have to say anymore" She said opening the door.

"I'm bisexual" I stated.

"Well now I feel bad for the guys you've probably fucked over too but don't worry, I'll be sure to keep an eye on this case and report any slip ups to Ms. Cooper" Courtney said before shutting the door.

Great now I have to deal with a pair of eyes watching over me while I complete this assignment. If I even do one thing out of protocol, I know Agent Miller will report me. We used to be partners in the agency together. We racked up an impressive number of closed cases too but then Paris happened. She's held a grudge against me ever since that night. It's not my fault though, I let her know in a text that it wasn't serious, just a fling. How was I supposed to know she actually had feelings? Another relationship down the drain.

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