Chapter 2

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I looked up from behind the book I was pretending to read and saw the blonde girl leave the room. I made a mental note to find out who that was. As soon as she left Sara looked up at the ceiling and sighed. I kept watching as she packed up her things and quietly left the private room. Once she was out of sight I made my way over to the room and was about to open the door.

"Excuse me sir, what do you think you are doing?" An elderly woman to my right said.

"I'm just gonna use this room" I said.

"I do not think so mister, I have this room reserved for this time" She said.

"Yeah but I just need it for a minute-" I began.

"You should've reserved it like everyone else then" She said sticking her nose up at me.

"Listen lady, if you don't walk away I will make sure you fingers won't be able to open this door or any other door" I said getting annoyed.

"Ugh, how rude!" She remarked.

"What's rude is how exhausting talking to you is" I remarked back.

"Excuse me? I will for sure let the librarians know of your lack of manners" She said walking away.

"Yeah you do that" I said sarcastically.

I opened the door and went to the desk Sara was sitting at. I could still see the dust that formed in a shape around her laptop. I started looking for signs of what she might have been doing before going over to the corner. I had planted cameras in all of the private rooms earlier while I spotted Sara talking to the librarian. Hopefully I caught something useful. Unfortunately since I was in a crunch for time, I only had the video cameras on me. So whatever tape I captured had no audio. I grabbed the camera and exited the room. I went back over to the corner of the library I was sitting in and plugged the camera into my laptop. Nothing of note was shown except for when I saw her scroll through my fake social media. The agency thought it would be excellent cover for agents if we made deep cover stories. Sara stopped on a picture of me and Simon before the blonde walked in. Just as she was about to say something the footage cut off. What? How is that possible? The cameras were all fully charged when I placed them there. I checked the battery again and it was still nearly full. There's no reason they should have shut off. Something's going on here.

"Excuse me sir, did you happen to threaten one of our patrons?" A a timid old man asked.

I looked up and saw him. He seemed harmless enough.

"What? I would never" I lied.

"Well I just have to ask since a complaint was filed" He said adjusting his rather large glasses.

"Sorry to cause confusion but I don't even recall an old woman" I lied.

"Well, ok.." He said before walking away.

I quickly packed up my things and left the building. Better to leave than deal with old librarians questioning me and seeing my equipment. I was getting in my car when I got a phone call. The name popped up on my car dashboard. Sara Lee. Hmm, what could this be about? I tapped the answer button on my steering wheel before pulling out of the parking lot.

'Hello? Matt?" Sara said.

"Yeah, Hi, What's up?" I asked.

I called your assistant to invite you to something but she said you were out of office" She said.

"Uh huh" I said switching lanes.

"But then she said you were at home and I was in the area so I figured I'd stop by" She said.

Oh crap. I'm still five minutes away from my flat. Ten if I don't take the shortcut.

"Uhh yeah, just give me like eight minutes and I'll buzz you in" I said.

"Sounds good" She said before hanging up.


Oh well, time to test out the capabilities of this car the agency lent me.

Time skip...

I quickly changed clothes and threw on a hat before I opened the door.

"Fancy, I didn't know you lived in the penthouse here" Sara said looking around.

"Yeah well, I'm fine living anywhere but my casting agent said it's supposed to impress" I said.

"Yeah I get that, one of my old agents said I should try to act more white to get more roles" She said setting her bag down on the kitchen bar.

"No way, what a douche" I said opening the fridge.

"Another one told me that I should get a boob job to have more sex appeal" She continued.

"God, it must suck being a woman in Hollywood, especially  a racially diverse one" I said feeling bad.

I grabbed a bottle of scotch and grabbed two glasses.

"It must rule being you though, a white, blue eyed, blonde haired man in Hollywood" Sara remarked.

"Ok ok ok, I see where this is going-" I said filling up the glasses with scotch and ice.

"Relax I'm just messing with you" She said laughing.

"So what was the thing you wanted to invite me to?" I asked as I handed her a glass.

"Oh, right, there's a gala going down this weekend for promotion of a new film of mine and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" She asked taking a sip.

"What time?" I asked.

"Really? Just like that?" She said surprised.

"Hey, when the beautiful Sara Lee shows up at your door and offers to take you as her date, how can you say no?" I said cheekily.

Sara coughed down a sip of her scotch.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, uh just went down the wrong pipe" She said.

"Ok" I said.

"So yeah, just be at this address by 9 on Sunday" She said standing up.

"Sounds good, any advice on what to wear?" I asked.

"Something blue, it really makes your eyes stand out" She said opening the door.

"And what will you be wearing?" I asked.

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see" She said before slipping out the door.

I swear I saw a slight smile as she left.

After she was gone, it was back to business as usual. While a public place is not ideal for a target to be dealt with, it is a perfect setting to make a kill look like an accident. Although taking out popular actress Sara Lee would not go without it immediately popping up in the headlines. Hopefully whoever was bankrolling this operation had a good reason. So far, Sara Lee seems like a good person who I'd have a thing for. Unfortunately, my line of work doesn't allow me to have a thing for my targets. 

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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