hunting down a killer pt 2

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when we got there after the long car ride we entered the building and asked for Dr. thomas allison the receptionist said "he's in surgery, ill page him when he gets out" i sighed and slammed my fist on the desk and said "we need to talk to him now" "what is so important that you need to talk to him now" i looked her in the eyes and said "he's a suspect in an ongoing murder investigation" she looked at me and said " ill page him now" we stepped away and gibbs pulled me aside "what do you think you were doing" i looked at him and responded " trying to finish the mission, sir", after a a few hours he came down and we questioned him

after another long car ride back i set my things down and rubbed my temples and grounded as tony came over and talked to me kate tried to stop him but he just talked my ears off and i had enough so i got my stuff and some files and went to the elevator " where are you going" i heard gibbs say as the doors opened "going home jethro" i then walked in to the elevador and waited till it was at the lobby then went out to my car and drove all the way home where i took pills and ordered chinese and started to work, i got more done than i ever had at the office, after a while there was a knock on my door and i simply said " come in" the door opened and it was kate and i said "what are you doing here" she looked at me and said "why do you keep your door unlocked" i looked at her and turned back to my work "cusae only an idiot breaks into a marine house" she sat down next to me 

" whats on your mind kate" i looked back at the files she looked at me and asked "what makes you think there's something wrong" i then said "why else would you be here" she was silent for a minute then she unloaded everything that was on her mind as she helped with the work and after an hour or so she left and i got a call from gibbs then i went to sleep, and did the same morning routine i did every day then headed into work, as i set my stuff down i came in later than gibbs and that freaked kate out a bit, and when i came in there was a suspect in the integration room and so i went in there looked him in the eyes for thirty minutes then asked questions, and he eventually broke then confessed he killed donovin mury  (the dead guy)

after that i went to pack my things and asked gibbs "you still working on a boat" he looked at me and said " is it that obvious" i nodded and said " i'll come over later to help, ok love" i then winked and got to the elevator   

"just like old times, right love"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora