2. Sleeping paralyses

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I have 1k on this book :)

Thanks again for supporting the sequel, it means a lot.
50 this time or I'm not updating at all.
Sorry but im doing this bc of lack of school work and almost failing two of my classes but I'm working hard to bring them up.
Love you all so much.

Not edited.

"What's on your mind?" Ben quietly asked.

"I'm just worried about Ashton." Luke watched Ashton napping peacefully on his bed. "I really want him to love again and feel special but he... just can't anymore." Luke sighed.

"I'm sure we'll find a way."


Adrian sat on the building twirling Ben's feather on his long slender fingers watching Michael eat lunch with that one girl. Adrian wanted his plan to work. Luke is pretty stupid without James but Ben, Adrian needed to know more about him. For now Adrian wanted some fun. Adrian jumped down the four story building and starting walking towards them.

"Why did you replace Rosalie?" James whispered. "do you hate her? You weren't there for her. You let her die. it's your fault."

Michael shook his head and he began to tear up.

"Michael! what's wrong?!" Chas gasped.

"N-Nothing... I'm just hearing things." Michael replied quickly wiping his tears.

"Are you sure?" She asked worriedly.

"Yea." Michael looked around, that voice sounded familiar. He thought some tragic was going to happen again but he doesn't remember what happened before. Which was strange why he thought again. "Lets go home." Michael stood up quickly and threw away his left over rice.

"Alrighty." Chas took out her keys. "lets go.

Adrian followed them into the car smiling evilly.

"Um Michael do you mind if I ask I what you heard?" She looked over to him.

"Not right now Chas." He mumbled.

"Okay." Chasity looked at him sadly as she began to pull out of the lot.

Michael sat there and watched the fairly sunny day, He began to drift off leaving reality.

Michael woke up in a beautiful hill top where a cherry blossom tree was near the cliff with its beautiful flowers falling deep down.

"Wow." Michael smiled at the sight and the moon light castes it's shadow creating a spider web look. Screaming was heard as he saw four people appear out of nowhere, one of them was himself.

"What the hell." Michael gasped.

"Ashton! baby please." The other Michael yelled. "don't do this! I- I love you! why are you doing this?"

Ashton starred at Michael blankly with his dark lifeless eyes as he began walking towards the cliff.

"Ashton! Wake up!" An angel with unique eyes flew to him. "please!" Ashton ended up stabbing the angel in the wing with some kind of dagger.

"No!" Another angel flew to the rescue. "Adrian! You can stop! I'll.... offer myself. Just leave these people alone."

"Luke no." The angel said in pain.

Michael tried to move but he was paralyzed. "This is a dream right? I really don't like Ashton."

Ashton stopped his tracks and began to smile showing off his razor sharp teeth.

"Sounds fine to me." He spoke.

Michael gasped instantly recognizing the voice. The voice that told him it was his fault that he let Rosalie die. The other Michael saw ran towards Ashton.

"Stop! I-" the image faded away leaving Michael confused. What was he going to say? Why did it end there? He began to hear screams, screams of pain. Chanting the same words. 'help me'. Dead people grabbing onto him. Michael began to panic as he tried to kick them off.

"I-I can't move!" Michael feared as the dead began moaning Michael's name creepily. Michael mistaken their hands as snakes as they touched him. "stop! leave me alone!"

"It's your fault." They all whispered starring at him darkly, all the lights began to fade away all was left was their voices. "you're going to burn in hell." They yelled loudly.

"Michael!" Chasity shook him. "wake up for the last time!"

"Ahh!" Michael shot up hitting his head with Chas'.

"OW!" Chasity moved back out of the car. Michael groaned in pain while rubbing his head. "Michael you wouldn't wake up then I did and you know what happened. Let's go to bed its actually getting late."

"But I don't feel like going to bed." Michael got out of the car and shut the door.

"Then watch a movie or something. Im totally going to bed because I have work again around 5:25 in the morning." She sighed.

"Yea. Okay. Good night." They both lazily walked in.

"Night." She smiled hugging him.

Ben sat alone on the roof looking at the crescent moon. He had his knees pressed to his chest wrapping his arms around them as he laid his chin on his knees.

"What a beautiful night." Adrian spoke.

Ben tensed up slowly turning his head.

"What's wrong baby?" Adrian pouted slowly making his way to the angel.

"I have to go." Ben quickly stood up.

"Wait a second baby face." Adrian held tight onto Ben's right wing.

"W-What is it?" Ben asked.

"I just need to talk to you about something." Adrian pulled him closer until their noses nearly touched. "something that just... I don't know...." Adrian starred deeply into the angel's eyes then it drifted to his lips. "Can you keep a secret?" Adrian smirked as he licked his lips. Ben looked away feeling nervous. "look at me angel." Adrian placed his hand on Ben's chin to make him to look at him. "Can you?"

"I-I don't know." Ben nearly squeaked in fear.

"Yes or no." Adrian growled. Ben immediately nodded. "good boy." Adrian crashed his lips to the angel's. Ben nearly gasped as he tried pulling away. Adrian held onto him tighter. Feeling the soft feathers in between his fingers as he stroked them. Ben bit Adrian's lip hard enough for him to pull away.

"Nice one." Adrian wiped off his bleeding lip.

"Leave me alone." Ben escaped his grasp.

"I think that wont be happening baby face." Adrain smirked as his cut healed up. Ben opened his mouth to say something but he kept it closed.

"do you want to contin-"

"Adrian." Someone growled. "leave you fu- I mean just leave." Luke stood in front of Ben.

"Calm down I did not lay a single finger on him. Even though I wish I can touch him in the most sexual ways possible-"

"Shut up!" Luke interrupted.

Adrian nodded as he walked past them whispering to Ben "talk to you later." Ben shivered at the words.

"Did he hurt you?" Luke asked.

"He didn't." Ben replied quietly.

"Good." Luke hugged him. "good." he repeated kissing Ben's head. Ben hugged back burying his face to the taller lad's chest.

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