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It's been a while Jisoo.

This is Yoon Jeonghan, if you couldn't tell who it was because of my username on GEEML.

I just wanted to ask if you're doing well, your friends say that you're in the States. It's a shame that we couldn't be there together.

Since you left me.

Anyway, I'm doing well here since you left. Not as if that's any of your business nor concern, I just wanted to share it with you.

We're friends after all, right?

Oh, right. I also wanted you to know that I'll be going to the States for my Masters Degree. Don't worry, I gathered up and practiced my English skills for weeks, so don't even try to think of a joke while you're reading this.

I love you. Well, loved. Actually. As an ex partner. If we were really even in a label back then.

Enough of my rambling! I hope to see you while I'm in the States.

Send me an email if you want to meet up for coffee some time.

Sincerely Yours,
Yoon Jeonghan

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