Queen's Court

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"Whereas we recognize your reservations over committing one of your children to service in the Alliance, Lord Nolan, the need for contributions from all members of the treaty remains the same. You have alternatives, you can pay the taxes on a yearly basis, or have those fees waived for every year a member of your immediate family serves. Every volunteer term will be five years. If  they volunteer but fail, the first year's taxes will be waived." Queen Rael said easily, biting back on her frustration.

She had been going over the new taxation laws with the same group of nobles for three hours already and so far, had only succeeded in repeating herself several times. "Taxes are based on income and net worth, no one person or family will bear undue burdens and in the case of a lack of suitable family members, you may sponsor someone whom you've had a part of training, educating and outfitting for a minimum of five years before that."

"But your Regency, this cost is far more than we were prepared to commit to for a political body outside our own national interests."

Rael stood from the table she was sitting at, placing her hands down firmly on it as she glared hard at those in front of her. "This is the cost of Peace. Of Security. Of taking care of our future. And it is a fraction of the yearly amount that we would be paying for twenty more years if we had gone into any form of war with Sellexu. This is non-negotiable. I ratified it on behalf of Aupana before leaving Alliance because I am your Queen and I will not be bullied out of my priorities."

They all froze, taking in a collective breath and bowing to her. "As you say, Regency. It is your wisdom."

"Unless you have any additional matters to address, you are dismissed."

Lord Nolan was the first to rise, offering her a curt bow before striding out, doing his best to appear perturbed. She held her ground as she watched him leave, followed by a couple of his cronies then paused, seeing a few Lords and Ladies remaining, watching her with thoughtful looks.

"Your Regency, I just wanted you to know, though it wasn't expected, it is a cost I agree with." Came the easy reassurance from one, followed by a bow before the Lady strode out of the room. This sentiment was repeated by the remaining nobles until she was left alone, aside from her ever silent Foxes standing behind her chair.

"They drain all optimism and hope out of anything." She said softly, mostly to herself. With no one to watch her for a moment, she closed her eyes for a moment, searching within herself for more of whatever she used to be strong. Rael was growing tired of the fights and subtle challenges to her since she had come home and they realized that they weren't on the long leashes they had been over the summer. When they realized that she still wasn't a corrupt, selfish pushover like her mother had been.

"Regency, you did great." Came soft words from one of her cloaked guardians, "Some people are as unhappy when the sun shines as when the rain falls."

She nodded, letting out a slow breath to calm herself. "They think I am weak, because I am new to this, because it has been less than three years since my mother died. They believe they can bully me to their advantage, that I will sway like she did."

"They are wrong, Regency."

"I know. But proving it is so very exhausting." She straightened and cleared her throat, glancing around the room, though she knew it was otherwise empty. "Will it be too much on the guards if I want to go into the city?"

"Give us a moment to gather a couple more Foxes, Regency, mounted or on foot?"

"Walking. I want to go do something rewarding. Let us talk to the people."

"As is your command, Regency."


Half an hour later, she was wearing the typical female warrior courtier outfit of breeches, knee high leather boots, a long sleeved, ornamental shirt with a padded leather corset and a heavier winter cloak. She had her own swords strapped around her waist and her hair up with a small silver circlet in place of her ornamental crown and leather, fur lined gloves, for the day was damp and cool.

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