Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: How It All Began

I stumbled into my darkened apartment, giggly and drunk from my night out with Megan and Kelly. I tugged at my short, black dress, something I had been doing nightly as it rode up and exposed the red thong I had underneath.

I shut the door, or rather slammed it, behind me and set my purse down on the end table in the living room. The bedroom seemed so far away, so I crashed onto the couch with my shoes still on and immediately fell asleep.

The Next Morning

I awoke to the sun. My head was pounding and my eyes were sore and hard to open. As I slowly sat up I noticed something. The couch beneath me was wet. Shit. I had pissed
all over the couch. I stood, kicked my shoes off and stumbled into the bathroom to look at myself. My hair was a mess and mascara was smeared all over my checks. I rubbed my eyes.

"What the fuck?" I heard Brooke say from the living room. "Clarissa, what is this?"

I walked out and into the living room, looking at the large wet spot on the gray living room couch. "Oh." I said. "Well I came home super drunk last night and I guess it just happened."

"Jesus, Clara. You always come home drunk and you've been such a bitch lately. I'm so fucking tired of it," she rubbed his temples with her fingers.

"Wow, I'm sorry," I defensively crossed my hands over my chest. Why did she have to be on my ass about it first thing in the morning?

"Y'know what?" She asked. "Take off your dress."


"You heard me," She took a few steps in my direction. "Take it off."

"What the fuck? Why?"

With that she walked toward me and pulled my dress over my head easily, despite my struggle. I covered my small, bare breasts with my palms. Brooke laid my dress over the wet spot on the couch and pulled me over, and across his knee.

"Brooke, What the hell?" I said. He didn't answer.

She lifted her hand and started spanking me, sturdy hard strokes across each of my ass cheeks. I screamed and struggled, but I didn't get very far.

"This is for always being a bitch to me!" She said, administering a particularly scathing slap to my butt. "And this is for skipping your classes! And this is for being a shitty girlfriend!" She unleashed tons of slaps across my exposed ass cheeks until I was screaming and crying.

She didn't stop until I had given up fighting and was sobbing across his lap. Then she shoved me off and onto the couch. My ass was burning hot, and I reached back to rub it.

"I'll be back." Brooke said, and she grabbed her keys and wallet and slammed the door behind her.

Two Hours Later.

When Brooke got back, she was carrying something like seven bags, and I was still reeling from the shock of getting a spanking.

"What are those?" I asked from my perch at the peninsula in the kitchen. I had put on a t-shirt and shorts and cleaned up my face.

"Oh, you'll see." She walked to our bedroom and closed the door behind her. I could hear rusting inside. I was curious, but turned my attention back to my phone.

A few minutes later she appeared in the door way. "Come here, Clarissa."

"For what?" I was understandably apprehensive about what was going on.

"Come here." I stood, tucking my phone into the waistband of my shorts, and walked to our bedroom. Waiting on the bed was a changing pad, a large pink adult diaper, a bottle of baby powder, and a pair of plastic panties.

"Brooke, What is this?" I asked as she locked the door behind us.

She took me by my shoulders and sat me down on the bed. "I'll explain. For the next year, I'm putting you on a diaper punishment. That means you will wear these diapers," she gestured to a box against the wall, "24/7, all year. You will not be allowed to use the toilet. I have the key to the bathroom in this apartment. I'll be shredding all your big girls panties and baggy clothes. Understand?"

"Brooke, what the fuck? There is no way I'm doing that. You must've gone crazy."

"Oh yes, you are." She picked me up bridal style and laid me on my back on the changing table. I struggled and screamed as she removed my pants and panties and pushed my shirt up around my waist. "It's no use fighting." He said, wiping my privates with a baby wipe and powdering me.

"What the fuck?! This is insane! Let me go!"

She ignored me and shoved a diaper under my ass, pulled the middle through my legs and taped up the sides. I was still struggling as he slipped the pink plastic panties up my legs. "You will ask me or another adult whenever you need to be changed. Do not change yourself. Any complaining and you will be punished."

It was then that i noticed the cuffs on each leg of the bed. She pulled my legs apart as I screamed and fought and secured my ankles apart.

She opened my underwear drawer and pulled out all of my panties and bras and dropped them on the floor. I watched, my heart beating faster and faster and he picked up a pair of scissors.

"Brooke! C'mon! Stop! Don't do that, please! I'll do whatever else you want just don't do that!"

She ignored me and began cutting up all my panties, and then my bras, and I couldn't scream anymore so I just sniffled and cried quietly. Brooke picked up the shredded pile and dumped them all in the trash.

"Understand?" She asked again.

I nodded profusely, and she unhooked my ankles. I looked down at the diaper, which was bright pink and covered in childish designs. The plastic panties crinkled with every subtle move I made.

She opened another drawer and pulled out a crop top and a mini skirt. "Put this on, he said, and slammed the door."

Thirty minutes later

Brooke held my arm as we walked down the busy sidewalk, my diapered ass clearly visible beneath my skirt. We were going to Brooke's work. She said she didn't want to leave me unsupervised.

I could see people turning their heads. I already had to pee a little bit, but I couldn't fathom pissing in a diaper, so I held it in.

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