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Okay, first of all, thank so much for reading this Pitch Perfect ff. It mainly involves my OC, but there will be huge Bechloe motive too.  I also say that English is not my mother language and I'm still learning so if you see any mistakes in my work, tell me about it and I'll fix them (also sorry in advance if you find any)



I couldn't really see what goes in my hand because of the tears coming like waterfalls from my eyes. It didn't matter, anyway - all I needed to do is pack all my belongings as fast as it is possible before anyone notice my disappearing. It's not like anyone would care about me anyway, but better faster, than sorry.

 "Stupid, stupid idiot" I growled, whipping tears from my face. I had a problem with the zip of my suitcase, which got stuck because my hair got in the way, which I didn't even noticed until now. Now my head also got stuck, because I couldn't move her up more than an inch.

 "Wow, I can fuck up even that!" I shouted, then laughed hysterically. "You're such an idiot, you seriously hoped you are special for anyone?!" Another hysterical laugh. I think I'll go mad if I don't get out of here quickly, find some quiet, secluded place and cry my eyes out.

 But there I was, stuck with my hair in my suitcase's zipper. With totally messed up eyeliner from tears, anxiety growing like crazy and hopes completely in shreds. If I could at least take off the stupid hair!

 "Shit! Let it go already!"

 "Lisa?" I heard a familiar voice, associated with a delicate knock on the door.

 I startled. 

 "Oh, now you are concerned? Why it have to be her, of all people?!" I thought, but didn't say anything. Hoping she'll eventually go away. I started to fight with my hair and the zipper harder, but the only thing I've accomplished was pain. 

"Lisa, I know you're there!" This time the voice and the knock were more forceful. "I so hope you are not going to do what I'm thinking about!"

 (Well, them I'm not going to ruin the suprise part)

 I took a look around the room, looking for another exit, but the closest thing to that was a window. Unfortunately, on the forth floor. I was pretty sure, I wasn't that desperate in that moment. And it would be rather difficult to jump with a suitcase attached to my hair. 

"That's it! I'm really tired of your cowardliness! I'm coming in and you'd be better not be trying to leave!"

 (She'll eventually go away. She doesn't have much time and she won't get here anywa..)

 The door opened wide open. Of course, I had to forget to block the door today.

 I couldn't turn my head enough to see her, but, basing on her slow, hard steps, she was angry. 

"Are you fucking serious?!"

 I was wrong. She was furious. Well, you can't have everything you want; it's a pretty nice change, I'm not the one learning that.

"I can't believe you're doing this again! After all the things we did together to get here!" She shook my arm, but all my upper part came back like a boomerang to the previous place. Like I would need any more humiliation.

 I heard a sigh, mixed from irritation and desorientacion.

 "I... I don't even want to know now what are you doing. Just come with me, for a moment and you can do what you want. If you don't want to do it for me, at least do it for the girls!" She let another sigh. "I'm really tired of that already."

 I took a deep breath.

 "I'm stuck. And I'm not only talking about this stupid zip"

 I turned my head into her direction (as far as I could, at least), smiling sarcastically with pain in my eyes. Basing on her suprised reaction, she didn't realise I was crying until now.

 "I'm fuckin stuck and if I don't get out now of all that, I'll just drown. I just... I just have had enough of you, all of your being so goodie-goodie and friendly and caring for everyone you've just met!" I shruged helplessly. 

Well, it seems it wasn't that hard as I anticipated.

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