Chapter 1

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Few years and many songs ago

Being a lonely wolf it surely has some benefits... Surprisingly or not. You are always out, looking it, so you can be a pretty good observer and judge. People usually at least after two weeks stop noticing you, so you can do what you need to do, without any anxiety from caring what people will think about you (unless you do something really weird and/or inappropriate, of course). Aaand, many, many benefits only anxious or introvert people (or both) will understand.

Although, even the biggest introvert needs sometimes someone to talk, drink with or at least sit on the same couch, in the same room and just do nothing. However, usually they are doing nothing to change it, they are waiting instead for some Prince-charming-extrovert (or princess - I'm not the one to judge) to rescue them from their tower of solitude. I can't really blame them - it is so hard to go out of the old, good, safe but also lonely burrow and just merrily start talking to people.

So my act of taking part in the audition to an acapella group was kinda against the nature. And probably I was the most surprised one of that fact.

But there I was, in the line, waiting for my turn to sing in front of all acapella group leaders from our campus.

The group that I was aiming at, was Bellas. It's not like I was some huge fan of them - is it even possible to be a real fan of some acapella group?

I mean, I saw some of their performances and they weren't bad or anything like that - they were pretty ok, I even have to say. But they were only an acapella group; I just can't really imagine there would be somebody with a dream of becoming an acapella group member.

So what was I doing there, then? Honestly, it's hard to say exactly. I kinda enjoyed being on the scene, usually in the background though. Since my drama phase has most probably ended, maybe it was a good idea to change a little the theme. And the second - after three years in college spent mostly alone in my dorm playing games or recording some shitty videos, or writing some scripts I'll never use or many, many more other nerdy things, I decided I should at least try to make... Maybe not friends, because it would be clearly an overstatement, but at least some people to... Talk to? From time to time? I had some people like that in the drama club though, but after my quitting, I couldn't make myself to even look into their eyes, not to mention any conversation.

Ok, that second one was not completely true. I would have never gone there just because of something that cheesy like wanting some company in my shitty life. I mean, yeah it's pretty okay and fun at first, when you barely know each other, but then all the nasty things come out with time and you have more than enough of them and you either tell them at some time to back off or you just stop talking to them... Or is it only me who really values the peace of the mind and the lack of toxic people (and let's be honest - we all are, in one way or another) in my life?

The truth was, I was kinda bored and needed some distraction, so why not trying something new? And the rumour I've heard, that the new leader was so strict and fully focused on only performing (so less on bonding etc.) not only didn't scare me off, but even encouraged me more.

However, the longer I was there, standing in the line to take part in the audition, the bigger my doubts were. I thought that would be no deal for me, since I'm not afraid of being on the stage, but I missed a very big issue - I didn't realize until the last moments, that, yeah, I'm not afraid of performing on the stage, although singing in front of many people was a totally different subject. That was the moment I knew I fucked up.

I was starting to get more nervous with every second. And when I'm getting nervous, I become very quiet and, ultimately, I want to escape so hard, I can't really control it.

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