Chapter 1

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Veronica's POV

Dear Diary, it's been 5 years since high school, but god it feels like just yesterday. It's a god send that I was never caught and that everyone still believes that those kids committed suicide. I wish I could just forget about all of it and..JD....I don't miss all the awful things he did and put me through, but I miss...him and the rush I felt when he would hold me tight. If only he know that I had his child. Maybe just maybe that would've made him change, he can't change he was a fucking psychopath. Why do I still love him?

I slammed my diary as a tear slid down my cheek. "Mommy? Why are you crying?" I looked down at my baby boy. He looked exactly like his father, the same black hair, grey eyes, and freckles peppers across his face. I picked Toby up and cradled him in my arms, "Oh baby it's nothing Mommy's just thinking about something that happened a long time ago, but Mommy's okay." I smiled lightly at him as his face lit up, "isn't Auntie Heather coming over today?" He jumped out of my arms and bounced around happily when I nodded. Shortly after I heard a knock on the door, I walked over to go answer it. "Ronnie!" Heather M. jump hugged Veronica. "Auntie Heather!" Toby jumped into Heathers arms and hugged her.

*Time Skip brought to you by Keith Kogane's gay ass*

After a while of hanging out, and talking with Heather I asked if she could watch Toby for a bit so I could go have some time to myself. I decided to go over to a Seven-Eleven, because I was really craving a slushy and some red vines. I picked up the blue striped cup and filled it with cherry slushy, grabbed a bag of red vines and went up to the cashier to pay. "That'll be $3.25." The man said. I nodded and handed him the money.
I hummed along to a Jailhouse Rock as I sipped the cherry flavored drink.

"Hey Veronica~ How's the mini psychopath you and Jesse James created?" Heather C. sneered. "Go away Heather.", "Aw that's cute you want me to leave," Heather Chuckled she raised her finger and moved it from left to right over and over again. "No no no Veronica, you must've forgotten again. I'm never going to leave, since YOURE the one who killed me it's my turn to make your life a living hell. Karma's a bitch isn't it?", Veronica groaned and ignored Heather as she began treading home.
She felt eyes burn through her, she ignored it thinking it was just Heather being a bitch like usual. At some point she felt the presence of Heather disappear but, the watchful eyes continued to burn through her. She let out a huff, "Alright whoever you are just come out." She said blankly and a tall man, black haired, grey eyed, freckles glittered across his face stepped out from beneath the shadows. "Greeting and Salutations."

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