Chapter 3

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Veronica's POV

My belly churned as I said those words. Though I was able to keep my voice steady I wasn't able to cease the uneasiness in my eyes. JD started at me wide eyed and looked at the ground. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, he had absolutely no emotion on his face, he almost looked empty. I still remember him telling me that all he wanted was to start over, have a blank slate. "Oh...." he finally spoke.

Toby stared at me, confusion spread across the small boys face. "B-but mommy you always told me I didn't have a dad." I flashed JD a warning glance when he opened his mouth to speak. I walked towards Toby and crouched down beside him, I took Toby's hand in my own and looked him in the eye. Love and peace embedded me as I looked at the smaller version of the man who was once my lover. The boy I could call my son.

"Toby I'm so sorry I never told you the truth..I should have, but I wanted to protect you." Tears pricked the corner or my eyes as I spoke softly. I kissed his forehead, Toby stood there glancing around the room and straight at JD as he tried to process everything. JD glanced at me waiting for my cue to speak, I gave him a brief nod. He sniffed and crouched down by Toby, "Son. There are very good reasons your mother kept me a secret from you." JD clenched his jaw, I could tell he was angry towards me, but was trying to keep his calm.

"N-no...there isn't..." Toby chocked out between quiet sobs.

I watched Tobys' eyelashes flutter as a single tear fell down his cheek. JD reached out his and laid it on Tobys' arm rubbing it reassuringly. "I'm sorry I should've come back sooner, but I had something to take care of before I could come back." JD voice was steady and he kept his gaze gentle and calm.

A sick feeling erupted in the pit of my stomach as I thought of what JD could have possibly done in the past 5 years. (I changed the beginning to 5 years instead of 3) Heather M. stood in the back of the room casting a disapproving and wary glare at JD as he rubbed Tobys arm. I also felt uneasiness throughout my body even with JD near Toby, I would do anything to protect my son and the first thing to do is get that phsycopath away from him.

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