Day 29: A Phone Call

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Note: Yay I won NaNoWriMo! It is the third year in a row I have won and now I have won three out of four times but this time has probably been the easiest. I have to choose a harder topic next time lol. Hope you enjoy this one, I like the plot a lot and I know it's not great yet but I think it has potential. This is dedicated to MishlRodriguez for making me sad about how I can't have my very own Levi. Oh well, like goes on. And the word swig is used six times, even though it seems like more.

When he saw her name on the caller ID, he resisted the urge to throw the phone across the room. It was a very strong urge, he almost gave into it, but then he thought about how little of a time he had had his phone and how much he had wanted and needed this phone so he did not throw his phone across the room. Instead, he answered the phone.


“I’m outside your house.” Carole said.

“Great for you.”

“Come open the door for me.”

“No.” He said.

“Why not?”

“Guess why not.”


“Well then you’ll never find out.”

“I can live with that.” She said.


“Now let me in.”

“No.” He said.

“Come on, let’s not do this again.”

“No, I think we will.” He hung up the phone and went back to not watching the TV.

His phone rang again and he again resisted the urge to throw his phone across the room. Again, he did not throw it. But he did not answer it.

The phone stopped ringing and it was silent except for the murmuring of the TV for about thirty seconds until his phone rang again. He did not answer it and it fell quiet. When it started ringing again he looked at it to see if it was Carole. It was not. It was his mother. He waited a while before he answered it.

“Yes Mother.”

“Don’t ‘yes Mother’ me. I know you’re upset about your little friend-”

“You mean my boyfriend? Or should I say my ex-boyfriend, Mother. You mean the guy that your son was dating? Don’t call him my little friend.” He said.

“I know you’re upset about your boyfriend,” She said the word like it pained her, “but that doesn’t mean that you get to treat me like I’m not worthy of your respect.”

“That’s why I said ‘yes Mother’ instead of ‘yes conservative asshole who doesn’t support her son.’ Isn’t that much more respectful?”

“Now young man, as long as you’re under my roof you will abide by my rules.” She said.

“Don’t worry Mother, I did not break your rules under your roof. Actually most of the time it was under that evil private school you send me to and sometimes under no roof at all and it was on a park bench. I am the stereotype of a boy out of the closet but had conservative parents.”

“Don’t speak to me that way and don’t tell me about your deviant ways.”

“I won’t Mother, not anymore. Because I am not a deviant anymore. Did you realize how horrible it was for you to send me away to a conservative private school as soon as I come out to you? It took a lot for me to come out to you and you sent me away.” He said.

Over the Wall: A Collection of Short Stories (NaNoWriMo 2014)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu