Chapters 32: The final stretch of the battle

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His eyes glow that ominous red color, and the primal ink starts to bubble.

"What? What's he doing?" Pearl asked, becoming more and more nervous backing away behind Marina. Three looked around in concern, watching the ink on the floor bubble like water in a boiling pot. Callie and Marie go back to back looking side to side, watching what's happening and what's gonna happen. Eight holds onto three, remembering those times in the metro, remembering how the sanitation ink bubbled as a boss appeared from it, but being around three made her feel safe, at least only for this bit. Four gets in front of the squid sisters, even if they are back to back together. They were ready for what was going to happen, but they were not prepared for what the scientist got in store for them.

The bubbling red ink then slowly started to slither to the scientist, as if they were entranced to go to the mad man. They begin to surround the man with its contents as he begins to laugh maniacally.

"This is the true power of the primal ink. And I think all of you will be perfect to meld among us, And I thank you for making me stronger. Now, we will have our revenge on the world for abandoning me, and the world will burn in an inferno of hate!" The scientist finished as the ink swarmed his face and the ink begins to mold a new form of whatever the scientist was gonna become.

"You will pay for all of the pain you have caused, doctor!" Marina screamed at him as the body molded and morphed into something larger and more dangerous. The group begins to back away, watching this thing form. However, the alarm goes off again, as the screen then turns on, only going to static, and eight noticed this.

"Guys! Look!" Eight exclaimed, pointing at the screen getting everyone's attention. They all look at the screen that was glitching badly, along with its static, and soon, the screen reveals a person behind it. It looked like some poor quality recorded message, but in that message revealed a familiar face.


"Is this thing on? OK, it is. Alright, guys, If you are seeing this message, it is important for you to listen. But, if you are dead, then well, this is just useless since I'm probably gonna die after this is done. But, if you're still alive, then listen carefully. This is our only hope, and I have figured it all out. I have created a device that will spread the cure into the world by airborne. It's like the "Make it rain!" machine you use in turf war, but even better. It will last a long longer than normal. And also, the scientist you maybe have encountered was obsessed with this creation he has made, and surprisingly, DJ Octavio even knew about this, which was why he was banned from the military a long time ago. Ironic, don't you think? But, I am getting sidetracked. The scientist probably has melded with those things already since he's infected himself with it and experimented on his own body. He has dreamed of unleashing this thing into the world, which he has, but this is the only thing that can save us all." She then shows the advanced "Make it rain!" device on-screen to show everyone what it looks like.

"We don't have much time. We have only twenty-four hours left before the whole world is doomed from the primal ink. And, I have no choice to make this last-ditch effort to at least redeem myself, and save many by extracting as much black ink from my body to create more of the cure. Once the process is complete, you must hurry back into the lab. Destroy and unstable whatever you can from him, because he will be impossible to kill once he has melded with those things. So, this is the only thing that can kill him, and save everyone else. And...Marina?" Onyx finishes her sentence, which Marina in the room with the group, looked at the saddened octoling with confusion yet a concern. "If I don't make it out alive, then..." Onyx pauses before with tears beginning to roll down her icy blue eyes.

"Don't remember me, OK?"

Such an odd choice of words coming from her. Marina was baffled. She knew that most octolings will remember her as a brute and a fierce soldier and leader within the Octarian military. Many octolings have suffered traumatic blows from her, and soon she became known within the community to be feared. But, she understood, and lowered her head.

"Good luck everyone and I am thankful that all of you believed in me. Now my time has come to redeem all of my previous actions. Time to be a hero everyone---" It cuts off as the electricity is smashed by the blob. Everyone then turned their attention to the blob forming and morphing still. 

The blob then morphed into something like a giant mass with tendrils, a very large mouth with large teeth and spikes protruding from its body. Then a long, tentacle, octoling limb like tail was grown in the back. However, it then raises itself up by poles on the ceiling with its tendrils, and its stomach is now revealed, but they saw so many faces of octolings and inklings, all groaning and moaning in pain as the scientist's body is revealed on top of the mass. His legs fused into the mass,  and now his hands are now elongated with long claws on his fingers. Multiple eyes then opened within the mass, along with multiple red glowing ones too. The mass that the scientist has become is large in size, tall as a small two-story home. The scientist, now this monstrosity, begins to speak. His voice now husky and distorted as he looks down at the group, looking at him in shock and terror.

"Even though Onyx would've finished the project, but her stubbornness led her to be infected, yet surprisingly, she has lived after all this time, going with infecting herself with only fifty percent of the cure being completed, I would've thought she could pull it off, but she was just a miserable person. But now with her dead, it will be a pleasure for you to join us when we are done with you." He said with a toothy demonic grin on his face.

Our heroes are gonna be in one hell of a fight with this monster.

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