Bad news honney

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We walked in silence along the lit up bridge. I looked out at the pitch black sea. All was quiet except for the distant rumbling of a wave crashing against the shore. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder and I snuggled in closer. Every breath we let out was a cloud of steam. "So, um did you have fun?" Shay boy asked. I looked up at him and smiled. "Yes, yes I did, thanks." He broke our gaze and stared ahead. "Were almost there, we should turn around soon, it's getting cold and it's late." He stated. "How about now, cause my feet are feeling like they have ice hanging off them." I complained. He laughed a little. "Ok" he grabbed his phone out and glanced at the time. "We have half an hour until we meet up with the pack." We turned around and started walking the way we had came. Shay boy and I have been best friends since we were young, I didn't have a biological mum because I was different. Apparently she fell in love with a ware wolf had me with him, and I took on the blood line of well you guessed it, ware wolf. I was fostered into Shay boys pack, because neither parents wanted anything to do with me. "Hey do you want to stop at the super market and grab a snack, I'm hungry." He said while pulling his keys out of my jacket pocket that I let him wear. "Ok as long as it's something meaty." I said breaking his hold and opening my door. I got in and he shut the door behind me. I watched as he slowly walked around the front of the car. I heard his phone go of and he stopped to answer. "Yes it's me.................... Yeah she's ok... What's wrong?...................ok......ok..........were are we going to met up instead?..................ok.....alright................yip......we will go now, bye." He dropped the phone into his pocket and opened his door. He got in and started the car and acted as tho I was not there. He just stared ahead. "So, what was that all about?" I asked searching his face for any sign of emotion. "It was Sam, he asked for us to come early, apparently your not safe here." He paused then he glanced at me. "So...." I started. "So, we all have to meet up at the lake house instead." I looked out the front window. We had taken a new road up into the hills. The forest whizzed past as we sped. It was ok that he sped, he knew exactly what he was doing. We halted suddenly and I managed to grab a hold of the seat. We turned down a rocky road. There, in the distance I saw the lights of the lake house, and cars. We drove under a sign which I didn't get to read. Then I saw the lake hidden just bellow I long drop down from a giant lawn. It was like a mansion. We pulled to a stop behind a truck. I grabbed my purse and opened the door. I stepped out and reached out my leg to push the door shut. We walked threw the maze of vehicles and then went around the side of the house. I heard people laughing and then found 6 people sitting on the front porch. I didn't see who was there but I recognise one persons annoying voice, Max. "Hey Ashley, Shay boy, how was your date?" He snickered and was joined by a wave of laughter. I tried to ignore them and pushed the door open and walked in. Shay boy followed sheepishly after. Oh by the way, Shay boy is short for Shakayle, and Robo can is Roberts nickname. Robo can came up to us looking all serious. "Alpha's waiting in his office, he wants to see you, both." We followed him up a flight of stairs and into a massive room. In the back of the room was a massive desk and sitting around it was most of our clan, and our parents, well foster parents. I took a seat next mum and Shay boy sat down next to dad. I looked at Shay boy, but he was staring at Alpha. So I turned to Alpha. "I have gathered you all here tonight to announce something huge come up. Ashley, you are now at the age of well, 18 and you know exactly what that means, don't you?" He asked, his brown eyes burned into mine. He flicked a lock of black hair back. "Uh, um, yes, yes I do Alpha." I stuttered trying not to look to stupid. "Then do explain....." The Alpha gestured. "Oh, um, ok. When a female in the pack turns 18 she must choose a soul mate......." My voice trailed of. This was strange, other girls don't go to the Alpha and explain to all the older wolves what we have to do. Was he hitting on me? I continued to stare at him. "That is almost correct Ashley, but there has been a change in our rules, for you that is." I looked away. What the hell? What the hell does that supposed to mean? The rules have changed for me? "Do tell" I said cautiously. I glanced at Shay boy with a look of 'help me' on it. But he only looked just as confused as I was. "Sadly Ashly, you can't fall for anyone from this pack. You will have to choose someone from another pack, so that means, sorry Shay boy" he chuckled quietly. What a prick. That was it, I snapped. "And who's idea was this? Huh, do tell me" a snarled. I was hurting all over, rage taking over my confusion. People started getting up. I felt someone grab me and pulled me out the door. All I could do was let whoever it was get me out of there. I glanced down and saw Shay boys shoes. "Hey you know I can walk." I said trying not to snap. Shay boy let go of me and I ran down the stairs. I felt tears stinging in my eyes and all I could do was let the flow. I burst out onto the balcony and onto the grass. I jumped up and transformed and ran. I could hear thoughts. Probably Shay boys. I halted when I reached the forest. "Ashley wait!" It was Shay boy. I turned and trotted towards him. I stopped and lay down in the grass. He lay down too. "Oh Shay boy what am I going to do? I love you more than anything. This was supposed to be a good birthday and now it feels like my whole world just got blown up!" There was a few moments of silence, only the sound of crickets. "Ashley, no matter what happens, I will be always there." He got up and turned back into human. "Look we will stay here tonight and we will sort it all out in the morning. So, you coming?" I smiled and I pulled my self up, transforming into a human. My blonde hair fell over my shoulders. We walked back to the lake house in silence.

Ashley the wolf with wingsWhere stories live. Discover now