Night mare

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(Dream) I was crouching in the long grass. My eyes locked on my prey. Suddenly, a chocolate brown wolf lept into the clearing, he seemed in panic. And then out of no were, Shay boy came bounding after him. Shay boy was faster and pounced onto the other wolves back, sinking his fangs into him. I was about to get up and stop him, but he looked up and his eyes were no longer a nice brown colour, the were black. And dripping from his mouth was foam and blood. He started moving towards me, and I backed up, walking into a fence. Shay boy gave a low growl, then jumped. (End of dream)

I bolted up in bed. My legs were tangled in the sweaty wet bed sheets. I felt for the torch that I borrowed from Max in amongst the wet cloths. My hand touched a cold hard object, and I picked it up. My cellphone. Oh well, it's not my torch. I pressed the button, hoping the light would light up the room. Nothing. Crap, my phones dead. I sighed and pushed the covers off, slowly slipping out of bed. I tripped up over a shoe and fell onto the wall. At least I found the light switch. I reached up my arm and felt for it. I turned it on and got up. I started changing into something dry and glanced at the door, thank god it was shut. I was about to strip of the sheets when I heard a knock at the door. "Yeah, who is it?" The door opened and Shay boy walked in. "Sorry, I thought something happened to you, I heard I thud and, why the heck are the sheets wet!?" He said. "Oh well, I had a night mare and it turns out I knocked over a glass of water." I said grabbing the glass that rolled under the bed. Shay boy stood there. "What was the night mare about?" He asked. I knew he would ask. "Um well, no offence but it was about you. You um, turned into a rabid wolf and murdered another wolf and, well, me." My voice cracked. Shay boy's expression changed from confused to understanding. I took the sheets of and bundled them up with my wet cloths and threw them in a heap. "I'll deal with them tomorrow." I said. "Well now your up too, I can't get back to sleep so let's go down stairs, it's like, 5:00 in the morning." He said and started to walk out the door. I followed after. "Hey what are you two up too?" Oh no, Max. I turned around and glared at him. "Going out for a run, we made a deal last night so get lost Max." I snapped quietly trying not to wake any one else. To late. "What's going on out here? This better not be a fight?" Lilac's voice interrupted. She came stamping up to us, her black hair in a birds nest. "Sorry to wake you. And no, it's not a fight. Come on Shay boy, let's get out of here before the rest of the pack gets up." I started towards the door and grabbed the knob. "Are you coming?" I asked Shay boy. "Yeah ok let me grab my jacket." He ran up the steps and came back with his coat. I opened the door and started towards the car. "Hey is your keys in your jacket pocket?" I yelled out. "Yip, why" he replied as the car unlocked itself. I grabbed my shoes and Shay boy's. I started to pull on my sneakers when I caught sight of Fang in his window staring at me. I blinked and he disappeared. Weird. "Come, let's go down the road to the turn of and back" I said as Shay boy jogged past me. "Let's race each other there. In human form." He yelled as I started to jog after him. "Ok" I yelled and started sprinting after him. We caught up and he started sprinting too. When we reached the turn of we both stopped to catch our breath. "Let's go back and grab some breakfast" I said starting to walk down the drive way. "What do you think Alpha meant about last night?" I asked. "No idea, but if it means you having to leave the pack well, you may as well be a lone wolf. Like why would a pack want the daughter of a killer?" He had a point. As we got closer to the lake house, I realised that maybe I could run away. Maybe even start a pack of my own. But I would need to be a male in order to be in charge. "Hey Shay boy, what if we both ran away." He gave me a funny look. "But were would we go? Alpha would probably try hunt us down." He said. We reached the cars and then the front door. "I don't know, except the fact that alpha practically owns me." I sighed.

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