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A/N: Bonus photo of my riding instructor showing a horse who freaked out because of a butterfly the other weekend. It was at Bromont, so how could I not?


Ryan was sitting on the bleachers, leaning forward so his head was rested on his hands, and his elbows were on his knees. Brendon kept trying to convince him to do the wave, so his pose had been assumed in protest of Brendon's antics. They had both changed into jeans and tshirts, and their hair was still damp from the impromptu water fight earlier. 

Sisky's voice came over the intercom as the current rider exited the ring, and everyone clapped politely for them. "Up next is Spencer Smith on Baymax." 

Ryan made a noise of disbelief. "Sure, Sisky manages to get his name right." Ryan sat back, crossing his arms over his chest in annoyance.

Brendon smirked sideways at him. "Sisky hero-worships Spencer. Don't you remember that time Spencer complimented his horse and he looked like he was going to pass out from happiness?"

Ryan snorted and shook his head. "No, I don't remember that." Brendon's smile faltered, but his attention was stolen by Spencer's test starting. 

Brendon shouted words of encouragement just as the crowd fell silent to watch the test, and judging by Spencer's sudden grin, his voice carried pretty far. Ryan sunk deeper into his seat as everyone turned to glare at them. Brendon seemed deeply amused by this and winked at the grumpy old lady in front of them. She huffed indignantly and turned back around. Ryan found himself trying not to laugh. 

Spencer's test went smoothly. Bay was a reliable and consistent horse, and he'd had her for quite a few years, so they were comfortable together. Ryan often wondered why he didn't feel an urge to try something more bold, or even show at a higher level. Both Spencer and Bay were capable of doing it, but Spencer always said he liked the one star level, and that the sponsorships he got were enough to get by. Ryan could never comprehend that lack of drive to be the absolute best, but Spencer was Spencer, and he loved him for who he was.

As Spencer left the ring, even Brendon's cheers were drowned out by Jon's voice. Ryan watched with intrigue as Spencer vaulted off of Bay with more flare than he usually had, and wrapped Jon in a huge hug. Well, they certainly seemed to be getting along. 

"Wow." Brendon muttered beside him, also having been watching the pair. Ryan couldn't help but nod in agreement. "That's very un-Jon-like behaviour." Ryan arched an eyebrow at him. Brendon seemed to search for the right words to explain. "Jon's the most chill guy you'll ever meet. I don't think I've ever heard him cheer for me, and he's been to all of my shows since we met." Brendon didn't seem bitter about this; he was more amused by the different side of Jon that Spencer seemed to evoke. 

"Spencer always could break through people's shells in record time." Ryan commented as they watched the two walk off laughing and smiling at each other. 

"Yeah, even the really stubborn ones." Brendon said, a slight edge to his voice. Before Ryan could think too much into it, he continued with a much lighter tone. "I'll have to have him teach me how he does it." Brendon laughed lightly and swayed so his shoulder bumped Ryan's. The next horse was entering the ring, and Brendon looked at it appraisingly. "Good conformation on that one." 

Ryan stared at him with a bemused smile, totally unsure of what was going on in Brendon's head. Every time he thought he had a read on the guy, his demeanour changed, and he was left trying to play catch up.  

"So, what do you want to do tonight?" Brendon asked, as if it was the most normal question in the world. The horse that was in the ring seemed to spook, rearing up onto its hind legs and dumping the rider on her ass. Brendon and Ryan flinched, knowing what that felt like.

"Umm, I was going to walk the course for tomorrow. At least-"

"Three times." Brendon cut it before he could finish the sentence. "Yeah, I remember your obsessive habits." He smirked and looked at Ryan sidelong, his eyelashes mostly covering his eyes. Ryan felt his stomach do an uncomfortable flip at the sight.

Ryan had to restrain himself from grinning stupidly at him and forced his mouth into a pout. "Three's the perfect number!" He tried to defend, but Brendon raised his hands in surrender.

"Hey, I didn't disagree! I always walk three times now." Ryan raised his eyebrows in shock, and Brendon continued in a much lower tone, practically muttering by the end, "Ever since that time I went off course and got eliminated..." His voice trailed off as Ryan looked gloatingly at him.

"And you always said it was a waste of time." 

"Yeah, yeah. Rub it in." Brendon seemed to take a deep breath. "If you'd want to walk together..." He sounded nervous for the first time since they'd started talking. 

A little wave of nerves washed over Ryan, but he did want to convince Brendon that they could be close again, and that he'd never meant to hurt him. "I would love the company." They smiled at each other. 

In between tests they quietly left the crowd, walking away from the show area. Ryan pulled the map out of his pocket, and Brendon gave him a sideways look that seemed to not be surprised that he'd brought it with him. They wandered out towards the cross country course, stopping near the start box. Ryan studied the first few jumps on the map, looking back and forth between the drawings on the page and the real life obstacles. He didn't realize Brendon had been staring at him instead of the map until he looked up, thoughts of whatever he had been about to say disappearing as he blushed. 

Brendon looked startled at having been caught, and coughed into his hand, his eyes darting away. He hooked a thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the start box. "Shall we?" 

Ryan slowly nodded, following as Brendon walked into the start box and stood there. Ryan went to take a step forward to start the course, but Brendon's arm shot out in front of him, his chest hitting it and stopping him. He looked at Brendon curiously as the arm was quickly retracted. "Umm, for old time's sake?" Brendon said. 

It took Ryan a moment of pure confusion before he realized what Brendon was referring to. A small smile crept onto his face at the memory, and he nodded as they started counting down in unison.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six..." They bent their knees, leaning forward as Ryan hastily shoved the map into his pocket. "Five, four, three, two, one!" They both launched forward, almost losing their balance as their boots slipped on the damp grass. Laughing and shoving each other, they raced for the first fence. 

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