Bounce (Epilogue)

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"Ryan, are you just about finished?" Brendon whined from his spot on the fence. He kicked his legs back and forth and picked at the wood, peeling up little splinters of it and flicking them to the ground. He had a smear of dust on his cheek from when he'd been riding earlier and wiped away some sweat, but Ryan didn't plan on telling him that. 

"Five more minutes?" Ryan whined back, mocking Brendon's tone of voice. He turned the young horse he was on and took her over the jump in front of Brendon, turning mid-jump to stick his tongue out at him. 

"You said that half an hour ago, and you've ridden like seven horses today; how are you still functioning?" Brendon complained. When Ryan looked at him though, there was a fond smile on his face. Ryan dropped to a walk and drooped his shoulders in mock defeat. 

"Fine. I'm done. Are you happy now?" Brendon hopped down from the fence and sauntered over to where Ryan had brought the horse to a halt in the middle of the ring. They were using the largest outdoor ring on his property, even though it was only Ryan riding at the moment. 

"I am immensely happy." Brendon smiled his victory as Ryan landed heavily on the ground in front of him, wincing, and shifting his weight from foot to foot to relieve the discomfort of hitting the ground so hard. 

Brendon stepped right up to him, sliding his arms around Ryan's midsection and pulling their bodies flush. Ryan's breath caught in his throat as Brendon kissed him. He somehow still wasn't used to it, that little bit of excitement feeling like butterflies in his stomach. He grabbed the back of Brendon's head and pulled him as close as the brim on his helmet would allow. 

They were suddenly interrupted by the horse Ryan had been training nuzzling between them with her snout. They broke apart laughing, and Brendon scratched the horse's ear while Ryan glared at her. "So," Ryan started in what he hoped was a seductive way, "once we put her away, you have my undivided attention." He took the reigns over her head and they started walking back along the dirt path to his barn. Ryan undid the strap of his helmet at he walked, pulling it off to feel the breeze on his damp hair. 

Brendon nodded solemnly, as if he knew what a great responsibility it was to receive all of Ryan's attention. "That's perfect, because I kind of need your attention for a little bit." He seemed almost nervous, and Ryan stopped walking to turn and look at him.

"Yes? For what?" He wanted it to be so they could watch movies and make out, but Brendon's tone of voice definitely made it sound more serious than that. 

"Well, umm, you can totally say no, and I'll understand, but..." He shifted his eyes away before taking a deep breath and looking back at Ryan. "I was kind of hoping you'd be okay with Brandy and me moving in here? I mean, it just makes sense if we'll be training together, and I can sleep in a different room if you don't feel ready for that level of closeness..." His voice trailed off as we waited to see what Ryan would say in response. 

Ryan's mouth dropped open, but it took a few seconds for the words to actually come out. "Are you kidding? Of course you should move in. There is literally nothing I would like more than to wake up with you in my bed everyday." He blushed lightly at the honesty of his own words. Brendon looked pleased though, so he took Brendon's hand and linked their fingers together as they resumed walking to the barn. 

Brendon had a smile on his face that wouldn't fade as they took the tack off of the horse together and brushed her. Ryan had to keep pausing to go over and kiss him because his stupid smile was just too adorable. 

By the time they got back to the farm house, the sun was starting to set, and Ryan suggested they just order pizza for dinner. As they waited for it to arrive, Ryan found himself drifting to the back porch where the sunset always fell across the hay fields. It was truly his favourite time of day, standing there and watching the yellows fade to oranges, and then slowly to purples. It was only made better when Brendon came up behind him and hooked his chin over Ryan's shoulder, sliding his hands into the front pockets of Ryan's jeans. 

When Brendon spoke, his voice reverberated through Ryan's back. "The qualifier for the team event isn't too far away."

Ryan leaned back against him and nodded. He couldn't stop worrying about it. His voice dropped to a whisper, since it felt like he was admitting something. "I'm pretty nervous."

Brendon laughed once, just a quick exhale of air. "I am too, but not for the same reasons."

Ryan's brow furrowed, and he turned around so he could see Brendon's face. Brendon's hands moved to his hips as he rotated. His grip was tentative, and Ryan felt an impulse to quell whatever worries he had. "What are you nervous about?"

Brendon shrugged and looked guilty. "The competition tearing us apart again." His voice was also low, like he was sharing his deepest secret.

Ryan closed his eyes and let his forehead drop to rest against Brendon's. "Hey, I know what's important to me now. I would never let that happen." He ran the pad of his thumb along Brendon's cheekbone as he tried to communicate the truth of his words through eye contact alone. 

Brendon smiled and tilted his head to reach Ryan's mouth. Ryan breathed out in relief and guided him backwards until he reached the couch, and Ryan was able to push him to sit down and straddle his lap. He lost himself in the kiss, and Brendon's hands on him. 

They almost missed the doorbell ringing to signal the pizza's arrival.

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