The Letter of the Day is 'E'

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Everything has a beginning and an end, like love and life, it's written in the sands of time, but unlike us, words go on forever


Everything has a beginning and an end

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Everything has a beginning and an end

Victory is short-lived, there is always another battle to be fought

Each day begins with a sunrise and ends with a sunset

Rivers always flow from the mountains to the sea

Your time on this beautiful planet will come to an end

The moment of  birth is also the onset of death

Happiness is a state of mind, it's not permanent and comes to an end, it would be good if the same could be said for misery

In the depths of time, there was nothing and then came entropy, it paved the way for the Big Bang which ended in chaos, but

Nothing in life comes with a full-time guarantee

God if such a deity exists, began in my mind and will no doubt end there, when I finally lose my mind

ALPHABET, an ABC of my ACROSTIC POETRYWhere stories live. Discover now