The Letter of the Day is Z

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Zigzagging my way through the alphabet has required me to be zealous and focused on the task to convince you that acrostic writing is worth the effort and that writing this way works for you


Zigzagging, what an appropriate word to finish with

I have weaved my way through the alphabet

Giving you a chance to experience the wonders of acrostic writing

Zippy and the Sesame gang, would have been proud of my endeavour, I hope 🙏

Absolutely to Zigzagging, what an amazing journey, I

Got the itch to do something my way, have you

Greater writers than me have taken the time to write this way, are you one

I don't know of any classics, but I'm sure if you take the time to look you'll find a few, perhaps you'll write a symphony

Now it's time for you to experience your epic journey of discovery, I hope you share your work with me, one day, so

Get going it's time to fly, why are you waiting, there's no time like the present, spread your wings, touch the planets, reach out for the stars and put them into acrostic words

Well, that's it 'Z' the very last letter, but don't forget to turn the last page, for, in conclusion, I will be publishing the whole 'Alphabet' tomorrow, here's hoping you think it was worth your while.

ALPHABET, an ABC of my ACROSTIC POETRYWhere stories live. Discover now