Day 1

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It was the morning after Juliana's failed suicide attempt. Juliana doubted that Alex could change her mind about life. She wanted to die and nothing could change her mind. Despite not seeing the point to it, she got out of bed and got ready for another day of school. She dressed in a leggings and a black hoodie and pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail. She went downstairs, her parents already left for work and her sister spent the night at her boyfriends. Her sister was the favorite child, Juliana was the disappointment. Juliana was never good enough for her parents. She shook about the bad thought and grabbed a bagel and left the house. She hopped into her car and drove to school.

-Meanwhile at the school-

Alex was putting together a surprise for Juliana. It was day 1 and he wanted to put the 31 days to a good start. He decided to decorate her locker in gold wrapping paper and ribbons. He put up the finishing touches as Juliana started to come down the hall. He looked at Juliana and thought to himself that she was actually beautiful. Her green eyes, long curly black hair, the freckles across her cheeks. Everything about her was beautiful. Juliana was looking down at her phone and hadn't seen Alex yet. Alex backed away from her locker and hid behind one of his friends. She arrived to her locker and her eyes widened. She smiled and read the post it note in the middle of the locker.

'Day 1: I thought I'd put it to a good start'

She looked around to find Alex and she realized he was next to her.

"Did I do a good job" he asked.

She smiled and laughed, "yes, but you still have a long way to go"

Juliana opened her locker and grabbed her books.

"That just means there's a lot more things like this coming" Alex said with a smirk.

"Have fun with that. I have to go now, chemistry class" Juliana said and tapped Alex's nose.

Alex smiled and watched her walk away.

-End of day 1-

31 DaysWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt