The Promise (Wolfstar)

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Background info: Set in Fifth Year but James, Sirius and Peter are not yet animagi. Sirius and Remus know that they have feelings for each other but they are not yet together.

This is my first Wolfstar oneshot so I'd appreciate the feedback. Not everything is canon so I am aware that some things are not strictly accurate but they made the story work so yeah.



The morning of the 26th December 1976 saw a weak, grey morning light filter over the grounds and castle of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Overnight, a snow storm had raged so violently that many of the students who had stayed for the holiday commented that it felt more like Halloween than Christmas. For most, however, it had not dampened the Christmas spirit. The feast was still spectacular, presents were handed out and joyful carols were sung. Everyone enjoyed it.

Everyone except Remus Lupin.

It was Sirius who first noticed Remus's obvious pain and discomfort. At first it was just small things, like the shaking of Remus' hands as he did his school tie or the tremor in his voice as he spoke. But in the week leading up to the full moon, Sirius found himself watching with sad eyes as Remus limped his way around the school, struggling up staircases with sore muscles, pausing every so often to fight for breath. It hurt to listen to Remus's anguished whimpers as he slept, continuously bothered by pains shooting up his spine as the moon's rays got stronger and stronger. Worst of all was when splitting headaches prevented his mate from even joining in with pranks and festivities, leaving him curled up in his bed in the dormitory with the curtains shut and complete silence in a desperate effort for some peace. It was all Sirius could do to make it easier. Whether it was by carrying his mate up staircases or by brewing aconite tea whenever it was need, Sirius did all he could. God how he wanted to hold him, to curl around Remus when the world became too much for him and protect him from troubles. But he couldn't, and that hurt just as much as watching his Moony struggle.

It was James who noticed it next. For some time now, he had been secretly restocking Remus's aconite jar with fresh sprigs every month. Whenever Remus asked why it mysteriously never emptied, James simply just shrugged and blamed it on 'nargles' (as Xeno Lovegood always did). James knew he had more than enough galleons to afford the expensive plant and, knowing how much Remus struggled without it, was more than happy to supply it to his mate.

But when he realised that the full moon fell on Christmas Day...well it was safe to say that James was mortified. Therefore he tried extra hard to make it the best Christmas Remus could ask for. Every day in the holidays, he placed Honeydukes bars on Remus's bedside table before he woke up just for a little happiness after what he was sure was a horrible night's sleep. He ordered at least half a dozen jumpers from the owl catalogues to help keep his friend warm during the freezing winter months, knowing just how cold Remus could get. He even brought more presents for Remus than he did for anyone else (even Sirius!). But even all that couldn't lift his friend's spirits that he had to miss most of Christmas Day.

It was Lily who noticed it third when she and Remus scheduled a final revision session before the Christmas Eve celebrations that night. They had been studying in the library when, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Remus wince and pinch the bridge of his nose in discomfort. At first, she let it go and continued reading aloud the passage from the transfiguration text book. But after spotting it happen again a few times over the next hour, she finally pointed it out to him. As he usually did, Remus deflected the question, saying he was fine even when he clearly wasn't. "Rey," she had said. "You're clearly not well. Maybe you should go upstairs and rest for a while."

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