Stitched Together Family (James and Remus BROMANCE ANGST)

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Hi guys! So sorry I've been away so long! University work has really been on my back these past few weeks plus with dealing isolation and stuff things have not gone my way aha. But we're here now! I've decided to break from tradition and go for a prompt that I didn't list in the previous oneshot just to spice things up a bit! So I hope you enjoy!

Also, I am very aware that this is not how usual adoption processes work but for the sake of time I've gone with it.

Summary: The night Remus was bitten, Greyback killed his parents as well. He spent his childhood in an orphanage, suffering bullying and hatred. But then the Potters arrived and everything changed.


"Welcome to St Audrey's Orphanage for Boys," the stone-faced woman said, her voice dead and cold. "What can I do for you?" Twelve-year-old James Potter glanced up at his parents, raising an eyebrow in disbelief at the woman's tone of voice. They were stood in the dingy reception hall of St Audrey's orphanage much to James' dismay. It wasn't that he wasn't excited about his parents potentially adopting a sibling. It was more the fact they had chosen the most awful place on the planet to choose a kid. He couldn't imagine anyone living here were nice or fun or even remotely kind. It may sound snobbish, but the last thing James wanted was some sibling who was mean and cruel. 

But apparently this was the only magical orphanage in London so they were just going to have to go with it. 

"Thank you," his mum, Euphemia, said, apparently completely unfazed by the witch's tone. "We're here to see Mrs Peterson. I spoke with her briefly yesterday. about possibly adopting one of the boys?" The woman rolled her eyes.

"Matron is in the main room. Go down the corridor and take a right. You'll find most of the brats in there." And with that, the witch picked up a magazine and ignored them. 

"Mum," James said, grabbing onto his mother's wrist. "I'm not sure this is a good idea." 

"Don't be silly, Jamie," Euphemia said, walking slowly down the corridor. "Everything will work out fine. We've just got to meet some of the boys and then we'll feel better, won't we?" James looked desperately to his father, hoping that Fleamont might be able to talk his mum out of this mad idea. But his father just gave him a wink and ruffled his hair.

"It'll be fine, sport," he said. "Come on. Let's go." James reluctantly trailed behind his mother and father, fiddling with the golden snitch he had stuffed in his pocket just in case he got bored. They found the door to the main room easily enough. His mother gave him one last smile before pushing it open. 

The chaos that exploded from that room was indescribable. Boys were running about and screaming, chasing each other around the tables and chairs. Some of the smaller ones were sitting on the floor, bashing old and broken toys against the floorboards. The older ones sat in the dark corners of the room, looking almost like hawks as their eyes narrowed in on James and his family. The noise was so incredibly loud that James wanted to cover his ears with his hands. How could his parents ever find anyone nice in this place? If he wasn't sure before that this was a bad idea, he was absolutely positive now. 

"Ah, Mr and Mrs Potter," a woman's voice called out. From the horde of crying kids, a small woman dressed in a sharp grey blazer and skirt pushed her way forwards. "I was wondering when you'd get here. I'm Mrs Peterson, the Matron here at St Audrey's." She thrust out a hand which James' parents quickly shook, their eyes wide at the pandemonium around them. "And I suppose this is you son."

"Yes," Fleamont said quickly, placing his hands on James' shoulders. "This is James. We thought it might be a good idea to bring him along and see who he gets on with." The Matron looked down at his and curled her lip.

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