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"We need to find some clue soon before that nosy little b***h finds out," Lucian muttered out loud to Roz and Azazel

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"We need to find some clue soon before that nosy little b***h finds out," Lucian muttered out loud to Roz and Azazel. 

"You're right. I could see her almost looking into our souls with those tiny eyes of hers. Damn is she a suspicious one," Azazel laughed, "I have Azak working on it. Once a hell hound is in hunting mode, its prey can only evade it for so long," he said with pride in his voice for his younger half brother. 

"Well what I don't understand is how the hell is she immune to your charm," The red haired beauty mused.

"You see Roz some people simply are. It's a grace. They have a very strong self control," Lucian explained .

"Forget all of that. I still can't believe someone actually got away with this," Azazel hadn't stopped laughing ever since he found out.

"Laugh one more time and I'll knock your teeth out," Lucian spat at Azazel.


Terez was finally done with dinner as Coco sauntered into the kitchen, "Mmmm, what's for dinner, Mama?" 

"Fish curry and rice, French bean bhaji, and Dal," Terez replied back while taking the dishes into the adjoining dining room. 

"What! No chicken! Mama no! I want chicken," Coco complained as she followed Terez into the room.

"You won't die if you don't eat chicken for one day and eat fish instead. Goankar ani hui tu."

"Hey not fair! Just because I don't eat or like fish doesn't make me any less of a Goan!"

"Aaan aan, there's some Green chicken in the fridge, take it out and heat it and before that go and call Lucian and his friends down," On hearing the magical word chicken, Coco'c face lit up and she bounced towards the steps to call the others down.


".........whatever, I need that person in front of me within the next month or I'll rip the horns off your heads and then, well what I do next to the two of you will definitely remind y'all why I'm called the Devil. Nobody steals from me. Nobod......." Lucifer trailed off as he suddenly caught a whiff of coconut and salted caramel blended with musk and lime and the obvious scent of sunscreen. Only one person in the house smelt like that. Only one person applied it every two hours, religiously, even when they complained about the white cast it left on their skin.

After motioning the others to remain silent, he crept towards the bedroom door and suddenly pulled it open but there was no one around the room.

"She was here. She was. I smelt her. D**n that little b***h, she is definitely sneaky," Lucian grumbled. If the b***h was ever a demon, he knew without doubt that she would be an imp. Disobedient, sneaky, cunning, annoying, diabolical, rebellious for the h**k of it, and up to no good. She even had the crazy and independent streak to pull it off.

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