The Story of My Gerbil's Far Chapter 6

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10:30 p.m.

Cha-chunk. The cage was unlocked. Fear scent flooded my glands as the other gerbil showed his red eyes open like an owl's. I started panicking and running around the cage hoping to get safe somehow. I ran underneath the igloo house as the Upwalker reached her hand into the cage. The other gerbil started running really fast trying to get away from the hand. When he saw me in there he started running towards me to get inside, but it was too late, the Upwalker snatched him up and he squeaked as she put him in a cardboard box, so I took it as a threat and started trying to find a better place to hide, but before I could get there she snatched me up and put me in the box with the other gerbil and closed it.


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