Moving in

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You walk into the apartment and run up to Alya, your cousin "Girl, I have missed you" She smiles "It have missed you too Ayla". You look up at your aunt "Welcome back Y/N I hope you stay for longer" She looks down at her. You nod up at her and then take your luggage to the Alya room because you need the spare room renovated and you think of when you lived here in Alyas room years back. "Y/N, I have something to show you" She sits on your bed on the floor and shows a video to you of a female with two blue pigtails in a red with polkas suit skin tight suit jumping for roof to roof beside a blonde haired guy with a cat suit on.

"Who are those too?" You question "Those are the two hero Ladybug and Chat Noir, They save people who are akumatized by the villian Hawkmoth" Alya closes the video and gets up and walks to the computer and clicks on a tab, it shows pictures and the bar over it says The Ladyblog. "Here is the site I made for Ladybug." You look up at her and say "You really must love them." She laughs "Girl, They are amazing" You look at the box in your hands "We should get unpacking" You grab scissors and cut the tape, you grab your skateboard and put it to the side.

Time skip to after everything unpacked and the bed frame is set up

"We can go get the mattress tomorrow after dinner alright" Alya tells you as she pour you some orange juice. "Alright." She passes you the glass cup and you take it "I can text my friend Marinette so you two can meet up and so we can have lunch at her parents bakery." Ayla says as she drinks her juice. She grabs her phone and starts typing, " She said sure" "Okay I will go grab my phone and we can head out"

"Mom, we are heading to Marinette's" She opens the door "Be safe." The two of you walk out of the door and walk to Marinette's house. "Hey Alya and Y/N, I have heard so much about you Y/N" Marinette welcomes you in and shows you her parents, The three of you head up to Maris room and you see pictures of some boy with blonde hair on the walls. "Who's this?" Alya starts laughing and Marinette's starts blushing "U-uh ad-adr-adrien, He g-goes to our sc-school" She stutters and Alya whispers in your ear "She really likes him" You giggle and Marinette covers her face.

A head peps though the lach door and then a amazing smell comes from the behind us "You girls want some cookies and milk" You hear Mrs Dupain Chang and you turn around "Sure" You say as you stand by the door, the two turn around and they walk down the narrow stairs and walk down to the bakery and then grab a glass of milk. "These are so good, Thanks dad" Marinette muffles with food in her mouth. "Thanks you sweetheart." He smiles as he turns around to finish the bread he was making. All of you finish and thank Marinette's parents and walk up the stairs. "What should we do now we are finished eating?" You question the two, they look at each other "VIDEO GAMES" They yell as Marinette grabs the remote and turns the game on.

Time skip to when you and Alya leave

You kick a rock "What are we doing tomorrow?" Ayla looks at you. "I am busy with helping with our class band for the music festival , You wanna tag along? I can text my boyfriend Nino to tell the band" Alya asks you "Oh, Sure" You look down at your feet "Okay, I will text Nino and make sure he knows" You look back up her "Thanks" She nods and you to walk into the apartment building and then Alya grabs her keys and opens the door. "So, you wanna order pizza or something" Alya grabs her phone "Sure, a cheese please" Alya nods and then she duals the number and orders the pizza. The doorbell rings and Ayla grabs the pizza and then pays in cash."Can you pass me paper towel" She asks and you pass her one. "Do you wanna watch a movie" You ask and point to the movies." Sure, let's watch the new Ladybug one" She walks over and grabs it " Okay" You grab the disc and place the disc in the player and sit down beside Alya.

You finish the movie and the two of you walk over to the bedroom and watch some more movies and you make popcorn. "Pass me the bowl popcorn Y/N, You ate half the bowl already" You laugh and pass it to her. You fell sleepy." Alya, I am going to head to sleep, night" You place your head on your pillow. "Night Y/N" She whispers and you close your eyes and dose off.

You wake up and see Alya snoring on her bed and laugh, you get up and go get some cereal and the milk and make a bowl of cereal, Alya walks in the room and grabs a bowl. "Morning Ayla, how was the sleep" Alya places the milk down. "It was pretty good, what about you girl" You grab your empty bowl and go to the sink to rinse it." It was good" You turn on the sink and wash the bowl. You walk to the closet and grab a set of clothes, You walk over to the bathroom and hop in the shower. You walk out of the bathroom and then grab your phone and your purse and place some blush and place it in your purse with your phone and then you walk over to Alya. She turns around "Are you ready to go meet up with Marinette to go set up Y/N" You grab your converse shoes and your skateboard. "Yeah" Alya nods and she turns around to tell her dad were we are going and then head out the door.

(Sorry that Lukas not in it and it's a really short chapter, I am new and been really busy and writing this on a school night)

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