Kitty Section

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You hop on your skateboard and follow Ayla who is practically
running and you see her stop and turn to the right after hitting another corner. You drift and see her talking to a boy with tan skin, glasses and a red baseball cap that seems very familiar, Oh right, that is Nino, Alyas boyfriend, you see him in alot of pictures Alya sends you. You skate up to them. "Hey there, I'm Y/N" You take out your hand from your pockets and Nino glapses your hand and shakes it. "Hey dude, I am Nino" You turn around and look at Ayla, who has a smile across her face. "Looks like you too are getting along" You smile and start skating passed by them, they catch up and you all make your way to the boathouse. You see Marinette setting up.

"Hey girl" You can hear Alya say beside you and you look up and see everyone is there, you walk of your skateboard and grab it before it hits the boat and you walk up on deck and walk over to a crate and look at your feet as you plug in your earphones and place your hands on your thighs. All of the sudden, you hear a voice beside you, it's a girl in a pink dress, all you can hear is muttering then a you take out your earphones and look at her and hear "... I am Rose" Even though you couldn't hear her, you start speaking "I am Y/N" Then you see a girl with purple strikes in her hair take Rose away and gets her to help. Alya walks over and places her hand on your shoulder. "Hey Y/N, I need yo.." She was stopped by a lady who came out of the engine room. "Let's get this concert started, what where Luka" She questions. "Who's Luka?" You hear Marinette question and then you hear the lady say "He is my son, Marinette go grab him, he should be in his cabin downstairs." Marinette walks downstairs to grab Luka.

Time skip to the concert

You see a boy looking at his guitar, he had blue tips in his hair, black nail polish and he had a Jagged stone t-shirt. "Looks like the compass has found a new statue" You can hear Alya whispers to Marinette and she blushes" pfft, Luka is just a friend. I like Adrien" So that boy is Luka, You feel like he heard her and was kinda hurt, I feel bad for the boy, he's kinda cute on the other hand, Crap Y/N, you can't like this boy. A load strum of the guitar interrupts your thoughts and see a police car pull up.

Time skip to after the akumatized part and too the concert (you also learns everyone names)

You look at everyone on stage: Ivan, Rose, Juleka, Adrien and Luka. You accidentally start staring at Luka, deep into the ocean eyes of him, you lose track of time and it's almost dark out. You look at the setting sun. "So do you wanna stay longer or go" You turn to Ayla " Huh" You were to busy thinking so you barely heard her "Do you wanna go or stay for food and go shopping" You look at her "I guess stay here" She nods and tells everyone that Her and I are gonna stay for longer. Alya walks away to go talk to Marinette and then you see Luka walking to you. "Hey." You look up at him and then stand up. "Hi, you are the Luka boy on stage right" He nods "And you are" You look up ar himand his eyes "Oh, I am Y/N, Nice to meet you Luka" He looks down at you, "Hello Y/N" All the sudden, you find yourself deep in a conversation with him about art and music and then you both laughing, You don't know what is about this boy, his beautiful ocean blue eyes, his soft spoken voice, the beautiful melodys he can play, he just kinda perfect.

You notice how time has skipped and it's already "I am sorry Luka, I should get going, you have my number so text me or me when you please" You grab you skateboard and bag and wave bye to him and he does the same to you and smiles. As you turn around you bump into Ayla. "Hey girl, I see you are ready to leave" She looks at you and you nod." I think we should head home and go to sleep, I am tired" You look at her with a straight face. "Okay, I will say bye to everyone and then we can leave." You nod and she walks of to say bye to everyone, You look around to try and find Luka but when you spot him you see him going to his cabin so you just lean on the boats edge and wait for your cousin. She finally is finished you too hop of the boat and you start skating in front of her, Alya catches up and you to start talking.

"So I see you were talking to that Luka boy, huh?" You look at her and blush. "He is really nice and talented" Alya has always been a little nosey so she always been in your business when you don't want her to be. "So your telling me you like him" You look at her and giggle, "I don't know, I don't usually like boys or even dated one on the other hand." She looks at you. You try changing the subject. "Hey, school is tomorrow so" You look forward. "What, you are gonna have to meet Chloe" You think about if you have ever heard about her, Oh right she the Mayors daughter. "I will try to keep you away from her" As soon as you know it you make it home and then Alya grabs the keys and unlock the door. "Welcome home girls" Alya mom exclaims as we walk though the door. "Hey Aunty" You look at her and slightly wave. "Hey Mom" Alya tells her from across the room. "How was the concert" You stop to answer the question. "It was pretty fun." You look at her and you walk into Alyas room and then sit on your bed and fall asleep.

A/N, sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I have really crappy wifi and it won't really work, thanks-Emily

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