The Red Guard

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a somewhat secret organization (set in my world). their main base is in the Everdeep mountains, separated from the rest of the world by the River Dunishair that borders the small town of Dire.


1. you had just joined the league and you were about to start the day, it's the day you choose your mentor, weapon of choice, etc. had lived in Dire your entire life, time and time again the Red Guard has saved your town and so you want to join. you plan on marching up to the base, which you know is somewhere beyond the woods, beyond the river, and demand that they let you join.

3. you were and adventurer, you'd been looking for the Red Guard for years now. they always disappeared right after saving something, disappearing without taking credit for anything or requiring some sort of reward. you stop in the small town of Dire, hoping that maybe someone here would have some information about the league..

4. make it up! i might add more later

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