DC comics next gen

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The time of Batman and the Joker is nearly over, the old heroes and villains are growing old and are finally considering retirement. a void must be filled to replace them, will you rise to the challenge?

and here's way too much info about My OCs:


~Mentored by Bane, then Scarecrow, Joker, and finally Riddler. she was tortured by Joker for a while and prefers not to talk about it, though the scars on her face make it hard to forget. she is very skilled with chemicals and is very smart, she has built up partial immunity to Fear Toxin and Joker Toxin and regularly experiments with her former mentors' serums. she has enhanced senses and agility though wile with Joker her powers mutated and now she has a long tail with a tuft of fur on the end and a pair of fennec fox Esque ears (if you think that's unlikely or unrealistic to the characters just know that in the animated show 'The Batman' Joker created Clayface by torturing him to insanity and exposing him to Joker Venom stuff for far too long, until his body turned to puddy/clay)

~Quest has short red/orange/brown hair and bright green eyes, her tail and ears are the same in color. she has a pair of scars, one on each side of her face, crossing from her temples to right before the corners of her mouth. she wears a burnt orange vest with lots of pockets and a hood with a green shirt, comfy pants, combat boots, and a plain black mask (like Robin's) while out and about on hero/villain/vigilante duty. otherwise, she wears turtle necks and big sweaters and big round glasses that aren't actually real, she just likes the aesthetic. her 'daytime' job is at the Gotham Public Library, because everyone has to be quiet there and it was only attacked once because the guy thought an important book was there and Quest beat him up and told him he could have just checked something out and that the book was probably in a museum or something. the head Librarian probably knows who Quest really is (considering her undercover name is Lou Kin Good and she beat up that poor guy for disturbing the peace) though he doesn't say anything about it.

~ She has severe PTSD but tries not to let it hold her down. when she has an episode whatever was leftover from Joker resurfaces and her harmless scavenger hunts and riddle can turn deadly. the sound of laughter, crowds, certain smells, and actions can trigger her and it's a flip of the coin to see if you'll have her cowering in a corner or trying to burn Gotham to the ground.

~she is still in touch with Bane and they meet up every once in a while to bake cookies and talk about issues in the underground networks of Gotham.

~Scarcrow tries to keep his distance, trying to respect her wishes to live her own life as a vigilant, but if anyone gives her trouble while he's around or does anything that she can't handle she can be found clinging to his pant leg while he fires off shots at the offenders. he occasionally will walk her home and knowing a lot about fear leads to her calling him so he can talk her down from panic attacks.

~She and Riddler meet up regularly to think up new riddles and games and relieve stress with a like-minded person.

~Her and Harly Quin are secret besties and she's the reason why she has the Joker Toxin formulas. after Harley broke up with Mr. J she burned some stuff to the ground, got in some trouble, and crashed at Quest's place for a bit to eat icecream, cry, and gossip. in those few days, Quest got a lot of info and all the paper Harley stole from J as well as reconnected with an old friend. they still meet up occasionally to paint each other's nails and chat.

~she's in a poly relationship with three guys (my other three OCs) and has no idea how she managed this.

Zander Rian 'Red Knight' (a mixture of Red Hood and 'The Dark Knight' bc he's edgy and looks up to those fools)

~mentoured under Red Hood, they don't talk to each other much except to exchange information and gear. They mostly just nod to each other and continue on with their lives. (they're bros tho)

~Zaner, or Zan/Knight as his friends tend to call him, has short, messy brown hair with a tuft in the front that is always died one color or another (currently it is light blue) he wears an armored shirt and pants, similar to batman and Red Hood's in black, with a black and red motorcycle helmet with a pair of black earlike pieces, pressed back like an angry Doberman. he is very tall and enjoys knives and whacking people over the head with a metal baseball bat.

Andrew Darner 'Snoopy'

~Mentoured under The Pinguin and is technically his adopted son. Penguin tries to stay in touch but is usually shut down unless Andrew needs something because he doesn't want to be a villain much anymore. (he's the family disappointment. lol)

~If you mention anything about his nickname being cute/stupid he'll show you all the fun pressure points he's learned from Quest.

~Andrew/Drew/Snoopy has coal-black hair, slicked back with jell, and cold blue eyes. he is of average height and build, and while his mentor tends to fool around with birds he has always preferred dogs. he has earned the trust and loyalty of all the strays in Gotham (and some family pets as well) and has an uncanny ability with them, understanding their needs as much as they understand his. He wouldn't forgive himself if one of them got hurt protecting him and tries not to rely on their help. he wears a black trench coat and a mask similar to Quest's but with a white spade over the left eye. he likes guns and is fairly decent with them.

Everett Write 'Oak'

~Mentoured under Green Arrow and gets calls from him every weekend to make sure he's ok in Gotham. (also a disappointment since he's moved to Gotham)

~Ev/Oak is a little on the short side with pure white hair and green eyes. he wears an armored blue and white hoodie, white ripped jeans, and boots as well as a face mask with a skeletal smile painted on. his costume screams 'just try and find me, jerks!' since it doesn't blend in well anywhere. somehow he is still the best snipper in the business and has never been caught. He built and painted his own sniper rifle and though he owns a bow and arrows from his time with Green Arrow he rarely uses them.

~Good guys, bad guys, what's it matter as long as they're paying? though he tries to do good if you pay him enough he'll kill most people, he'd kill Joker for free. Once he was asked just to mess with Mr. Freeze and hid in his hideout for 12 days wreaking havoc and for once his costume blended in with his environment. 

start when ready and have fun!

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