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A long time ago, monsters plagued the mortal world, ravaging villages and generally giving all monsters a bad rep. Until the Slayers came along. The Slayers are typically half human, half monster, hybrids if you will. They hunt down bad monsters, vengeful spirits, and the like.

There are many well know Slayer groups:

The Crows and Ravens, both run by one of the Linear brothers, Jacob and Josh, masters of time and rivals.

The Dark Angels, only the leader is an actual dark angel the majority of the group consists of Shadows (a type of Slayer).

There are many others but we'll be following the adventures of the Blue Moon Dragons, before we get into the members of this group, i should tell you about the many different types of Slayers. To become a Slayer you either have to inherit it or have it gifted to you, there are rare cases where you'll have it and not seem to be related to a Slayer but sometimes the trait doesn't show up for many generations, especially if your family is cursed. Monsters can be Slayers.


Blades: can summon various bladed weapons and can wield any bladed weapon like a professional even if they've never used it before. Usually proficient in acrobatics and martial arts even without training, though a trained Blade can easily beat an untrained Blade but an untrained blade can easily go against a human with a gun and beat them with no weapons.

Shanks: Blades in training/young Blades.

Seers: can see into the past, present, and future. A Seer is always blind, the only way to become a Seer is if a previous Seer passes on their powers to you or if you're directly related to a Seer, ex: the son/daughter of a Seer or grandson/daughter if the son/daughter is dead. There can only be one Seer at a time in each Seer family.

Clairvoyant: similar to a Seer, they can detect supernatural activity. They are not blind and there can be multiple per family.

Healers: it's what it sounds like, they heal people

Mages: can use certain elemental magic, this is any kind of Slayer that learns magic so you'd have a Blade-Fire-Mage or Seer-Water-Mage, etc. (Type of Slayer-Element-Mage) Slayers and monsters are the only ones that can learn magic, humans wouldn't be able to handle it and would either be killed by their own magic or go insane,

Hounds: like Weres (werewolves, werecats, etc) these have heightened senses and can shift into animals, though unlike Weres their animals are normal sized and usually have something weird or unique about them, ex: a higena with a wolf's tail (like the Blue Moon Dragon's hound) or a wolf with black and red fur (like others from the group).

Archers: can summon ranged weaponry and use any ranged weaponry like a professional even if they've never used it before. Their aim is 'rigged' and arrows and bullets tend to curve so they never mix.

Hunters: the mix between Archers and Blades.

Swifts: extremely fast, well trained Swifts can seem to almost teleport.

Flameoids (flame-oid-s): Fire elementals.

Wataris (wah-tar-ees): Water elementals.

Airis (air-is): Air/wind elementals.

Earthins (earth-in-s): Earth/rock elementals.

Shades: Shadow elementals.

Lightiths (light-ith-s): Light elementals.

Elementals: they have all six elements, Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Shadow, and Light. They're very rare.

Shadows: they have more control over the Shadows than Shades and can turn invisible. They can also shift into various Shadow creatures and change their appearances like Shapeshifters, Doppelgangers, and Skinwalkers.

Summoners: they can summon various monsters and spirits with things like, spirit cards, spirit balls (kinda like pokeballs), keys, and magic bags.


Basic etiquette for Slayers (there's a bunch more but this is basic knowledge):

If you don't know a Slayer's name call them their type: "Hey, Shade! What are you doing? You almost ruined our mission!"

Never use racial slurs, you can't call a white Slayer a cracker, you call him whatever kind of Slayer you are, so you could call Phantom 'Hunter.'

You can't take someone's powers, it doesn't work like that. You can take energy as long as their the same type as you, so if you're an archer and you're too tired to make more arrows you and another archer can exchange energy.

Ask before you use someone's energy, you can get cursed if you don't.

Try not to look a hunter in the eyes, they're typical leaders and they're stair is intimidating, plus if you look them in the eyes they can kill you, that's where the phrase, 'If looks could kill' came from.

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