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Officer Kelly: Mr. Irwin, you understand everything you are saying from this point on is being audio recorded until I tell you otherwise? Anything you say may be used against you in trial. You reserve the right to remain silent.


K: I need your expressed consent on the terms.

Ashton: I understand I'm being recorded.

K: Mr. Irwin, you have been charged with assault, first degree murder and misuse of firearms. Do you concede with the charges?

A: Yes.

K: Did you have a motive for doing so?

A: I wasn't going to kill them.

K: But you did. Do you have a motive?

A: I wasn't going to. I was just going to beat the shit out of that guy and throw my fiancé out. But... [cuts off]

K: But what?

A: [surly] Why don't you ask him?

K: [confused] Ask who?

A: Niall told me to, didn't you?

K: Who's Niall?

A: Very funny. Just because I'm arrested doesn't mean I'm insane. Niall told me to kill them. Just ask him why he wanted them dead.

K: I don't...

A: He's my best friend, he saw everything, and he's standing right there. Just fucking ask him why I killed them.

K: [at loss] Niall?

A: He said it was the only way.

K: [comprehensive] Schizophrenic.

A: What?

K: [pen scratches against notebook] Nothing. Er, can you tell me about Niall?

A: Niall's been my best friend for ages. He and I have done everything together. He accompanies me on all of my business trips, he's helped me through my relationship... He's my best friend. [panicked] I don't know why he told me to kill them, I wasn't going to, but Niall never lies to me. He said it was the only way. Don't take him from me!

K: We won't.

A: Promise?


[tape ends]

[A/N: Niall isn't real.]

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