the secrets behind closed doors

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//Pidge's point of view//

"ok see you later" then I walk out of the cockpit into the back half of the lion and I turn on my cloaking device and my hollow cone and I hide back in the cockpit of Keith's lion and wait once my clone leaves the hanger  Keith says

"That was way to close I know the echos really ship us but I don't know yet I have to wait to see how I truly feel but the one thing I know is I love pidge but I don't know how much yet that is what I need to know for now lets just act as nothing happened" once I hear him say he loves me I cover my mouth to stop myself from screaming in shock then he starts to leave the cockpit and I follow him out of the hanger then run back to my room and deactivate the cloak I lay down on my bed and quietly scream

"what does he mean he loves me, does he mean he loves me like hey there's pidge I love that girl or does he mean he loves me loves I mean come on what does he mean"

"He loves you loves you of course," Allura says from the back of my room the second I hear her I fall out of my bed in shock "oh my I am sorry are you ok pidge"

"I am fine how long have you been here and y are you here," I say a little frustrated

"well not that long and I was looking for you so I thought I would wait for you here and eventually you would show up," she says in response "now you said Keith loves you how did you find this out?" she asks. Sitting back up on my bed I look at Allura

"How did you know I was talking about Keith what if I was talking about ...... ummmm Lance ya how do you know if I am not talking about Lance"

"really Lance you are not talking about Loverboy lance because one you can't talk to him without saying something sarcastic and two the hell you are talking about Lance I will not allow that," she says very confidently

"that is a good point but wait wait wait what do you mean you won't allow that," I say

"Ummm" she blushes "what do I mean umm I don't mean anything just Ummm forget I said that don't worry about that," she says trying to hide her face then I realize and say

"oh my ever-loving god YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH LANCE" I scream in excitement she jumps up and covers my mouth with her hands

"not so loud do you want to hole ship to know how would you like it if I yelled you like Keith" then she moves her hands

"fine I will not yell but you like him don't you?" I say at a normal volume

"yes I like him I mean come on he is so nice he is a really good shot and he is so confident and loyal but oh my goodness have you seen his abs I mean come on he is not just a snack he is a full course meal but what about Keith you like him don't you"

"Ummmm" I sit up and my eyes widen in shock I was not expecting her to change gears like that so fast "well you see there is"

"no don't try and sneak around it yes or no" she interrupts me

* excessively frustrated sigh* "fine yes I like Keith are you happy" I respond

"no not yet give me details come on!" she says lining forward putting her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands in anticipation in wait for a second and then I just let go acting just like Allura

"well there is a couple of thinks I mean he is so mysterious and his eyes are full of such passion and fire he is so driven but I don't know why and oooooh my god have YOU seen HIS abs now that is a full course meal I mean just look at him also he looks so good in red and he is so good in combat" I respond

"you know that is a good point he is really good in combat and red is definitely his color " Allura agrees

"I know right not meany guys can find there color like Keith and lance," I say

"ya oh I have a question how long have you liked Keith?" she asked

"I don't know I mean he has always been as hot as a Hemidactylus mabouia in the Serengeti but I didn't..."

"wait hold on a second as hot as a what in the what?" Allura asked in extream confusion

"oh ya you don't know what that is ok how about as hot as a furless yelmore on the sun on a very dry day do you understand that?" I say

"oh ok I understand now go on" Allura replies 

"so as I was saying I always thought he was hot but I did not really know how I felt until recently," I say reluctantly  

"When did you realize your feelings?" she asked I tell her all about the Echos and the dancing

"so ya once that happened I have known"

"oh ok so have you talked to him about it"

"no i have not but i was going to but we got preocupied but by him almost dieing and all"

"oh well that would do it but i think you should tell him just get it out there i am surtan he feels the same"

"ok fine do you know where he is"

"last i saw he was heading to the training room" the second she said traing i started rinning

"ok thanks" i rush down the hall to the observation deck and sit there watching keith fight the training bots he rushes the bot then the bot takes a swing with it's staff but keith side steps and swings his sword conecting with the bots head ending the fight then the a hole in the floor opens and thebot falls through then he says

"start next training level" 

"starting trining level 237 now" the ship says then another bot appers holding an a wepon the it egsactly like my bayard the bot shots the graple at keith but was it was not trying to hit keith it was going for the wall behind keith becuse when kieth looked back at the bot he got kicked in the face but he was not done yet he gets back up and waits the bot shots the graple again but this time keith side steps and throws his sword at the graple stoping it before it hit its target then the bot rushed keith he jumps over the bot then the bot grabs his sword and spins hiting keith as he is in the air it dose not hurt him thou all it dose it cut his shirt off then keith recalls his bayard and the bot gose to shot it's graple but when it looks to target keith he already has his sword to the bots throught then he says

"end trying sequense " then i scream

"what the heck y did you not kill it you whose come on finish the job"

"what how long have you been there Pidge"

"i say just that fight " i say exiting the elivator to from the observation deck to the traing room

"once i get to keith i relize that he dose not have his shirt on and i turn as red as a tomatoe

"wow you ok pidge?"

"yep i am fine" i say slitly nurves then keith looks down and relises he steps  closer to me so close i can feel the heat coming off of him

"y are you so red don't you know that is my color not yours" he says in a slow tone

"wait i am i guess i should go to the med bay and see if i am sick " i start to turn around and walk away but then he puts a hand on my sholder and spins me back around once we are face to face he puts his arms around my waist

"no you are fine i promise you that but i think this will help you if you really think you are not ok" he grins then he kisses me and not no quick love tap no a full forse kiss and i melt into his arms then i put my arms on his shoulders and kiss him back we say like that for a second then we come back up for air because i was out of breath

"are you feeling better now Kate?"

[[sorry this took so long to update i had it ready to go but i had to change some stuff so ya hope you injoy and if you see any spelling or grammer errors you know what to do (coment where they are and what they should be) i really hopr you enjoy]]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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