from comfort to hell

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I'm going home today from hospital, I hope I can go back to school tomorrow.

I wouldn't want to be alone with my mother for too long.

As you've probably guessed my mother isn't the loving type.

I put my clothes on, and left the hospital.

Steph is waiting for me with a bunch of flowers (how sweet).

I gave him a hug and took the flowers. We walked to mine and I said goodbye before mother came to gloat.

My mum opened the door and Steph quickened his pace.

I stepped in, went upstairs and had a shower.I put the clothes mum bought me on and went downstairs.

Why you wearing that?

Because you bought me it to wear.

But you don't like it, why don't you put the disgusting clothes you like on?

I shall then


I went back up and changed into, my skinny jeans with a chain on the side, my bullet for my valentine top on and a black and red checkered shirt with black army boots with spikes on the side on.

I went into the bathroom and did my makeup.

40 minutes later...

I went back downstairs and sat on the sofa. My mother stood up, a face of pure disgust as she looked me up and down.

How long have you been like this?

Since I started high school.

So when I see you leave with the clothes I buy you in, what do you do?

I go to my friends house or change at school.

Why do you dress like that

I like the style, plus its a way of expressing myself

Why didn't you tell me not to buy them or that you didn't like them letting me waste money on you?

Why do you think?

You tell me I have no idea who you are anymore lying to me for years

Oh really, you think it's my fault as usual well sorry to disappoint you again but you don't exactly make it easy to be myself when you wanted me to be exactly like you've always dreamed, to be a princess well sorry but no-one is a princess especially not You!

You evil bitch how dare you...

I don't remember how many punches, or the words she said. She stopped after I pleaded with her and then she just screamed telling me to go to my room in a daze as well as stumbling everywhere.

I laid in bed sobbing in to my pillow, this isn't what home is meant to be like, I thought home is where the heart is.

I somehow fell asleep but I was awoken by my mother yelling for me to get up she stood there so firmly it made me feel even weaker than I was already. 

Get up then

I can't I'm in pain. I burst out in tears I truly was in pain every inch of my body ached and burned and she did this to me!

But I made you dinner and we have ice-cream for dessert

Trying to bribe me probably blackmail me into keeping stum.

She picked me up as I cringed in agony and carried me downstairs she placed me on the sofa and gave me my dinner (steak and chips one of my favourite meals) I ate it because I couldn't waste it I'd feel guilty even if she was blackmailing me it still tasted good.

I finished and she gave me ice-cream (bubblegum and chocolate scoops another of my favourites) I ate that too and I began to feel okay but the pain didn't ease and she didn't offer me any paracetamol.

Once I'd finished: she ran me a bath, washed me,dried me, then clothed me, helped dry my hair and brush my teeth. Then helped me in to bed the whole two hour process creeped me out but it wasn't clear in my mind the pain numbed me and I fell asleep with flashbacks of them two hours wondering why she had done all that and how I let her wash me, I could've done it myself...


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