A week of more hell

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I woke up at around 1pm in the afternoon, I sighed and began to panic oh god I'm extremely late for school.

I rubbed my eyes slowly remembering the pain I was in last night.

I glanced at my door where my mum stood tapping her foot impatiently.

"I've got a week off work to help you get better from your car accident.School has been informed and the agree that you should go back once I believe you are better."

"What car accident?"

"You know you went to meet Steph but wasn't looking where you were going, dear me I think you have amnesia"

"Amnesia you manipulative cow, this is your doing, you did this to me"

Now dear don't be making up silly stories, I'm going to make pancakes I'll bring you some up.

"I don't want anything from you ever"

Fine dear but you'll get hungry soon enough, I'll bring you some anyway


She strutted off and I closed my eyes in annoyed and confused fashion. 

She's the cause of this and I can't tell anyone till I get better damn why did this have to happen to me?

The cow came in and placed a tray with pancakes on on the side dresser. She smiled and left. I felt my face contort with disapproval but I still ate the pancakes after what felt like ages of contemplating, they did smell good, and if I wanted to get better fast I might as well eat otherwise I will be stuck with her for longer.

They were lovely I had to admit and I felt better after them but the pain that hit me as sudden as her fist forced me to stay put as I tried to get up and go to school, forgetting instantly that I had been in an 'accident', she always does this trying to blame me for her doing- soon I will believe it.

I couldn't go to the loo or get a drink, I couldn't shower or do any normal activities that I do daily and still she gave me no pain relief.This is her way of punishment for me being who I am.

After a long while she came in and helped me brush my teeth then put me back in bed.I felt paralyzed and tremendously vulnerable.

She left again with that same smile as early. I hate that smile in fact I hate her, and I know hate is a big word but if you knew her like I did you would feel the same.

I woke up when it was dark outside, my vision blurred naturally to the dull room which contained a bed, a wardrobe, a desk and then led into the hallway or the en-suite bathroom.

My morale was descending rapidly, I'm completely helpless, I can't do anything.

I hear a knock at the door and I called from the person to come in.

It was Steph.

My face lightened like a lamp that's just been switched on. I was overwhelmed with confusion and relief at the sight of a friendly face - someone I could talk to.

Hey I heard about that car, I'm glad your still alive. I can't believe your mum actually let you go see me on that day or more to the point let me come in and see you, in your bedroom...alone.

Funny, like she cares what I do, what about the car?

Yes that is true but don't you remember, you were in a hit and run accident? He looked a little confused.

There was no accident, that's mums cover story it was...the door opened it was her she glared at me and I changed the subject.She nodded in approval and left.

It was her? He remarked in a whisper

No I must be confused, I might have amnesia.

You don't have to lie to me, she isn't listening no more, I can hear her downstairs,  I know when your lying and I hate to think that you couldn't trust me.

How was school what did I miss? I wanted so bad for him to take me away but I knew I would have to tell him for that to happen and  I'd have to come back anyway and things would get much worse.

Don't change the subject! His tone of voice changed dynamically as his patience faltered.

Okay... okay yes I'm lying but what do you expect me to say; she beat me, she hit me so hard I thought I was going to die, I'm trapped Steph. No I will say that she's mad and I'm scared but it is fine, I am dealing with it, she just needs to learn to control her temper and I shouldn't make her mad. I burst into tears I felt him sit next to me and cradle me gently.

I'm going to sort this don't you worry, everything will be just fine...

I must have passed out because I don't remember anything else but when a awoke Steph was gone and my heart sunk painfully down my chest. I could hear it thud in my eardrums and the sound produced a headache. I realised I was thirsty like really thirsty, damn my mouth felt as dry as a dessert.

I tried to shout but my throat seized up.

I began to panic, I began to cry uncontrollably

I'd stop that if I was you, don't want to loose anymore fluid.

I turned my head to see her looking smug holding a jug and a cup she placed in on the side dresser and then removed the tray from earlier. I tried to move but I couldn't the pain seemed to control me. She laughed and then poured water slowly into the cup and help me drink it but only a few sips at a time.

You don't want to be sick now so slow down

I could retaliate but my brain was exhausted. All of me was...

I wondered what Steph was going to do and when because I was getting desperate now and I wonder if he said anything to her because her mood had altered to a degree that I didn't like.

Stephs p.o.v

I could home quite late to be greeted with unimpressed faces of my two mothers. They inquired where I was and I told them all about Marissa and her mum and how I felt about her, they told me to go upstairs while they discussed it.

I must have been waiting ages before I was called downstairs because the sky got gloomy and the street lights went on. I walked down and sat in front of my mother's.

Sorry we took so long but we have decided to have her stay here. You said her mum had a week off so next week we will let Marissa stay here as a sleepover we will inform the authorities and tell them she's staying here with us till further notice but for now you visit her and keep her positive.

Thanks mum and should I tell her about the plan.

No you might be overheard wait till next week


I couldn't believe it I'm going to save her and then we will live happily here and she will be safe.

Marissa p.o.v

Day 4 the last two days were like Monday the same situation I actually felt like I was in hell.

Only three more days and I'll be free because I'll be back at school. I have a feeling steph is going to save me from her so I'll never see her again.

But for now I'll just get better and try to be nice to my mother so she won't paralyse me for another week.

Olivia is coming round after school so I'll have something to look forward to...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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