whole lotta love

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The day rolled around, sooner rather than later. I had planned to propose to her on what would be our anniversary, if she hadn't broken up with me. This was going to be such a stupid idea, but what can I say? I'm a stupid man. Donna had already agreed to meet me at the Water Tower where we made many of our precious memories before.I felt jittery, I was sweating, I just couldn't believe it was almost time. I absolutely freaked out when I first heard the creaking noise of the water tower's rusty stairs being climbed. I felt the weight change, and time seemed to slow down. She hopped up onto the tower, and stared at me in the eyes. 'What do you want, Eric?' She asked snappily, seeming impatient as if she had somewhere to be in the next ten minutes. I sucked in a deep breath, counting to three before exhaling. 'Listen Donna.. I miss you a lot alright.' I spoke. She rolled her eyes, disappointed. I decided to continue, 'and I know you hate me right now. But let me apologise.. I am so sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me. In fact, I was a stupid, dumb boyfriend. But you are my first girlfriend, so you have to give me a chance to redo this.. To redo us. Despite you being my first, I am so in love with you.' I got down on one knee, 'In fact, I love you to the point where I am willing to do this.'. Her eyes widened to the size of plates as she brought her hands to her mouth to conceal her surprise. 'Oh my God Eric..' she murmured, shocked. 'Will you marry me Donna?' I asked, my breath huffing from the nervous feeling I felt in my gut. 'Eric... yes!' She squealed, jumping up and down on the tower excitedly. I was so happy.. GOD! I haven't felt that happy in such a long time! I couldn't believe my stupid plan to win her back actually worked, and I couldn't believe that I was finally going to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful woman!

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