ONE: The Phase

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BEEP!Beep!Beep!, the alarm clock went but it didn't seem to wake the one. It kept beeping and beeping and...'Jesus!, zack!...Are you a corpse?. Wake up and off that thing',his mother yelled through his slightly opened door. Zack turned and sighed. One thing he really hated is the sound of an alarm clock in the morning but his father will always say,'GET OFF YOUR ASS BOY. YOU'RE A MAN AND YOU SHOULD BE YOUR OWN ALARM CLOCK'. He reached out the small table beside his bed feeling for the alarm clock with his eyes still closed in sleep. He found it and put it off.
   He kept his eyes shut still angry because of the disturbance by the alarm clock. He always felt angry every morning especially loved Saturdays because he could sleep in and if not for food, movies and washing up,he wouldn't move a muscle. But those five horrible days that he detested so much; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday always had one thing in common..'School!',He screamed opening his eyes immediately.'Urgh!?
    He sat up and looked around him. The window which was right above his bed had its curtains closed. He didn't blame any other person except his father who was so security conscious; he locked and closed everything in the house even the
slightest source of air. He stood up on his bed and opened it letting the sunshine in.
This is a beautiful day for superman'.he said to himself. As old as he was, he's favourite was superman. He tried to imitate him by preparing himself to fly away like superman; he always wished he could fly.
    He gave himself a headstart by jumping twice on his bed and finally he lept off;of course he couldn't fly so the law of gravity always prevailed on him. He landed heavily on the floor with his feet unbelievably crashing the floor. The house shuddered.
'What is happening up there?!',his father yelled from the ground floor.'Nothing Dad!',he yelled back but he knew his Dad would definitely come up to check.
  He looked down to his feet where he just landed, it had left a big hole through which he could see his junior brother's room. 'WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?', he thought to himself, 'THAT WAS PURE CONCRETE? He was scared and then he started smiling to himself. Amazed he shouted out,'Superman!! I'm superman!'.


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