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Yumi's pov
Yumi!,please help me put off the stove, the pasta should be done by now,' her mother shouted from her bedroom. Yumi sluggishly got up from the table where she was studying for her chemistry quiz that morning. She really hated cooking and everyone in her family knew that but cooking seemed to be their tradition. She got to the kitchen and offed the stove. She reached for the pot to remove it from the stove but she jerked back when the stove caught on fire. She screamed as she checked to make sure she really put it off and she really did. The flames got bigger until her elder brother came and put it out.
He looks into the pot at the past, 'Really Yumi?, Burnt pasta?'. Her mom came to the scene and she wasn't happy.
'I know you hate cooking but is that reason to burn the pasta?! ', she yelled at Yumi who was staring blankly at the stove confused.

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