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Arthur rolled out of be hunting the four which gets him awake.'WHY DOES THAT ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME',
He thought getting up to his feet and looking around his room which was painted blue and decorated with the medals he had won in swimming competitions over the years. He stayed up late the previous night swimming in their pool since he had a competition coming up. He always woke up at the right time to prepare for school so he never needed an alarm clock. His mother would already be at work since she's a nurse so he had to make himself breakfast which never went well so he always went with grabbing an apple on his way out. He adored his mother who always did her best to ensure his comfort even though she was a single parent.
     He made his way to the bathroom, moved over to the sink which a mirror above it. He looked in the mirror and adjusted his hair. He grabbed his toothbrush on which he put a small amount of toothpaste. He turned the tap on but there was no rush of water. He thought, 'DID THEY DISCONNECT THE WATER SUPPLY?',he was sure they had paid for it. He tried turning it again but there was still no water coming out.
  He smiled as he said to the tap,' Oh, now you're giving me the silent treatment?.  I'm a three try kinda guy so you better better turn on this last try,' he knew he was just bluffing. What inanimate object could actually hear your warning let alone heed it?. He looked around the sink; at its plumbing tools to see if he could determine a fault but there was none. Time was going, and he had to be in school early for swimming practice. He breathed in and tried it once more and he was happy with what he saw. He made to wash his hands before brushing and just his hands in the running water changed matters. The tap went violent, gushing water all over the place. Arthur tried to cover it with his hands but that seemed to make things worse. At some point all he could was stare at the gushing water and the flooding bathroom.' I GUYS I'LL BE LATE TO SCHOOL AFTER ALL', he thought looking at the whole place in disappointed.

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