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Hi! ^)^ 

Until us roleplayers manage to get the Petition for Roleplay noticed by Wattpad (which will hopefully lead to the creation of a whole new Club dedicated to roleplaying! <3) I'm going to post all my character development roleplay prompts on this book.  Each chapter will be a different prompt, and roleplayers can post replies in the comments.  If you want to write up a description of your character, post it in the comments and I'll add it to the "Characters" section of that prompt.

Also, since this is a roleplay book for improving characters and writing skills, it would be greatly appreciated if roleplayers would write responses to prompts in a more formal manner (by which I just mean longer, more descriptive posts. :))

Hopefully this will only have to be a temporary solution, and we'll manage to convince Wattpad to get a new RP Club up and running soon.  But until then, I hope anyone looking to improve their characters through prompts and roleplay will find the interaction they're looking for here.  ^)^

Alright!  On to the prompts! ;D

Character Development Prompts (Roleplay)Where stories live. Discover now