Chapter two

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Leondres point of view

"Typical Charlie,hes always bloody late,aint he mum?!" I chuckle to my mum Victoria,whilst waiting in our car outside Charlies house ready to go meet the girls. I was sat in the back seat expecting Charlie to come sit in the back too hense me not sitting next to my mother in the front passenger seat.

But suprise suprise,Charlie walks down his path leading to our car an sits in the front next to my mum! They do get on like a house on fire though to be fair,charlie smirks.

"Hey Victoria! Hey Leo" charlie says turning round to me grinning.

"Yoo bro!" I say with swag,INNIT DOE!😂😂

"Hiya Charlie sweetie. You excited? I know Leondre is" Victoria smiles at Charlie, i can feel myself blushing a little but idk why. Charlie knows im a sucker for bambinos☺

"You bet i am! I hope the snow lays off though!" Charlie smiles confidently putting his seatbelt on as my mum drives away,according to mums satnav, the girl Chloes house is only 15 minutes away in a car! Not far. But nor me or charlie recognise her from any of her photos on instagram or twitter,or her friend Lauren yet they live so close to us.

"Yeah,i hope the snow lays off but at the end of the day if it does then well just go indoors,where well be nice and warm. Oooh" i chuckle.

"Thats true Leondre. I know youll both really enjoy it!" I see my mum smiling through the mirror.

Around 10 minutes later, we stops outside a beautiul house with a beautiful garden. I know well be sleeping on the back garden though but i bet itll be bigger than the front garden even though the fronts huge! Its just stereo typical.

"Woah!" Charlie grins.

"Hallelujah!" I add smirking.

"Youll have to get the bus home Monday though sweeties, you know i have to go on a business trip and as you know Tillys staying at a friends for the week while im away,so Charlie if you want,after the weekends over you know the house is open for you stay over for as long as you like,ill leave money for you too Leondre baby" my mum says to me and charlie,giving me a kiss on the forehead and hugging me and then hugging Charlie too and then she gets mine and charlies bags out of the boot. We travel lightly really,but we carry round loads of clothes,shoes and hair products as well as the essentials!

"Thanks mum,see you when you get back." I say waving my mum off as she drives away.

"Bye victoria!" Charlie smiles and waves.

A-N/ So opinions please? The next chapter will be meeting the girls hopefully (see what i did there?!😊) -Chloe x

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