Chapter five

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Charlies point of view

I walked to the door as Chloe asked and i opened it to see a girl,Lauren standing at the door with a huge smile spread accross her face. I knew immediately she wasnt the girl for me,she was the complete opposite of Chloe. Chloe was perfect. Lauren was...erm, not.
She had black hair,above her shoulders really curly,natural,green eyes, spots all over her face, she was wearing jogging shorts revealing 'mil bottle' legs, and a horrible greeny coloured vest top.the thing was. It really looked like shed really tried. Wasnt looking too good though,and she was a Charlie girl.
Chloe on the other hand,brown perfectly lengted natural hair,nutella brown eyes,tanned skin naturally with no spots at all, and she was wearing dark blue acid wash skinny jeans rolled up at the bottom with grey acid wash nike blazers with a blue tick and revailing frilly socks, and a black and white checkered crop top. God,shes goregous. I must of been stood daydreaming for a while because Lauren was stood their awkwardly repeating herself,

"Are you okay,Charlie?"

Slight pause


Thats when i realised i was gorming.

"Sorry,Lauren right? Come in wont you? Chloes been waiting for you" i say with a slight smile.

"Actually, i came to tell you that im going to my nans for the weekend so i cant stop, can you pass the message on please?" She asks me looking upset that she cant stay.

"Yeah sure, errr well ill see you soon,maybe? At a concert,or meet and greet or something?" I mumble.

"Yes, maybe. Im glad ive met you Charlie Lenehan"

"Same to you. Lauren. Bye now" i do a small wave and close the door.

I do feel bad for her,im sure shed really been looking forward to this,but the truth is ide get annoyed with her to easy. The rumors about me and molly rainford are also false,i dont go out with her nor like her in that sort of way. Were like brother and sister. I wouldnt date anyone but a bambino,leondre thinks the same way. I like Chloe, so does Leo. I hope it goes well and leondre doesnt get his heartbroken, nor me actually.
I walk back into the living room to see chloe and leo sat on the sofa,close together laughing away happily. I dont want to fall out with leondre,but i did dibs. I know shes 14 and im 16 but i want to date a girl 1-2 years younger. Strange,i know but its my choice. Leondre knows dibs is dibs, he probably doesnt even like her,hes only like this because i like her. But what if he likes her as much as i do? No. I cant think like that😂 god, this is gonna be a good but confusing weekend.

A/N- hey, not really getting many reads? Is this any good or shall i scrap it? Please message me,not comment as for some reason my ipod doesnt letme comment back and idont want anybody to think im rude. Once the weekend over ill try an get Overload,blair and maybe dan and harvey into the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2014 ⏰

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