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Oh, my darling. I miss you. I miss every inch of your skin. I was so young when I met you. Things were simpler then. I had no appetite then...

It's been three days since my little escapade to the theatre, my love. I hope you're not going to be mad at me. I mean, he started it. I had no intention to hurt him but he was becoming indecent...Anyway.... I guess it's life.

My abdomen has already deflated. You know I took a vow of abstinence at the convent, but I'm getting more and more hungry. I don't know if I can resist anymore the way I used to, sweetheart.

There was such a sweaty heat today. For once, we had a true spring day. Fortunately, I wasn't wearing a wig. Just my white hat with the black cap on top, kept me warm enough already. Sister Elizabeth led the morning prayer and then I had to wash the tile in the canteen. It was my turn today. I kept hearing gurgling in my stomach the whole time I was scrubbing the floor.

At noon I had a visitor. I did not recognize him at first. With his very ordinary black frock coat and in his right hand, a round hat, he looked very different from the evening we first met, a while ago. I didn't remember  his skin looked so delicate and smooth. He wore a musky fragrance that didn't mask his naughtiness of the past night. How can I be serious in front of him when his mustache smells the night he spent having long and sensual sex with...? a creature... Yes, a winged Fae, perhaps a pixie whore? I had to breathe deeply. I had to gather my thoughts otherwise I was running for my loss... or his.

When he exhaled, I felt his warm breath on my little lips. His eyes were staring at me. He offered me to go to the cloister, but I was afraid that the full sunlight would betray my complexion so I took him to the chapel. Gosh, he is such a gorgeous male creature.

Where was I?

Ah.. Yes. So I led him to the chapel explaining that it was time for prayer. That Philo detective followed me but when he entered the nave; he held me back through the arm. I didn't like it when he touched me. He could have guessed what's under my sleeve. Or maybe, I don't want to admit this excited me. But it wasn't the right place nor the right time.

'—Miss Green, do you know Alistair McCanough?' he asked me.

I remained very calm.

'—Yes, I know Alistair. He is my fiancé's friend.'

'—I see. And when did you last see him?'The detective inquired.

'—On Tuesday. He invited me to the theatre.'

'—And you could get out of the convent?'

'—Yes, inspector. He had requested the Mother Superior's approval. But Why are you asking all those questions? Is he all right?' I was falsely worried.

'—We found him dead....'

I pretended to stumble.

'-Beheaded' .

I pretended to faint.

Sister Elizabeth came rushing.

— 'Aren't you ashamed to announce such things in the Martyre's home ? she lectured him while he was holding me. Sister Elizabeth made me feel salts.

—'She's already been through so much. Her fiancé abandoning her and now this friend who was taking great care of her! Let us pray the martyre together for his soul', she continued.

Philo was watching me from head to toe.

—'I'm sorry for the news, and I know it is painful but I need to ask you a few more questions.'

I nodded with my eyelids.

—'So he picked you at the convent. At what time?' I expected that question.

—'He did not. As Sister Margareth had errands to run in town, I went with her and then joined Alistair directly at the theatre.'

—'And then, at what time did he ride you back?'

—'Around 10 pm'. I was crying loudly so Sister Elisabeth scolded the detective.

—'This is enough for today. Do you want to kill her or what?'

The detective felt a little embarrassed.

—You're right. I apologize. Feel free to come back to me if you remember anything that might help us understand what happened."

—"We heard werewolves..." I was painfully articulating as I came to my senses. I forced tears into my eyes. Fortunately, I put a drop of Witchveldt elixir every morning. It helps impersonate a human.

- " Right. It was a full moon" he thought out loud. He took notes in his notebook and then walked away. He is quite silent when walking. He must be fast. I should remember this.

So, he left and I remained with the other sisters. The most annoying thing is that I had to stay on my knees praying all day with Sister Elizabeth and Sister Melissa next to me.

And the worst part, you know, is that they didn't even offer me soup:

—"We know you won't be able to eat anything, poor little thing."

Lucky they are to be female.

My appetite is veracious and insatiable, with males. I think I will have to hunt soon, darling, but I must first develop a plan, otherwise I will have to flee again...


A Carnival Row short story✔️ Miss GreenWhere stories live. Discover now