Chapter 1- The Surprise

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Once upon a dark town there were two girls, and of course, Hannah's mum. The two girls were born on the same day, at the same time, but a different year. You see, Samantha was a year older.

During this time, Hannah would be turning 14 and Samantha, 15.. just around the corner. Hannah invited Sam over to her townhouse because it was a few hours before the big moment and Hannah's dad was still not back. On the foggy sleepover night, Hannah's father left to buy fire-works for tomorrow.

Ah jeez, I must've forgot to tell you that not only do they share a birthday but, their birthday is on July 4th. Hurray! Or.. not... the girls have admitted their hate for having their birthday on July 4th. It's like everyone set a firework for them, it's too much attention.

"I'm going to go look for your father at the mart" Hannah's mum said. "Okay bye!" Hannah and Sam waved as her mum closed the door shut. "Hayy girl hayyyy we're home alone now!!!" Hannah exclaimed while she jumped on the couch. "Yasssss, what should we do?!" Sam asked while climbing on the couch to join Hannah in her jumping frenzy. "LETS PLAY WOULD YOU RATHER" Hannah yelled, her eyes gleaming with excitement causing Sam to bounce back.

Out of nowhere, the home phone rang.

Hannah, being Hannah yelled, "THE PHONE, THE PHONE IS RINGINGGG" Sam laughed and jumped off the couch nearly stumbling on her way to the phone. "Hannah, Sam, Help me! I was k-kidnapped on m-my way to l-look for your dad but the idiot didn't take my phone.." Hannah's mom giggled alittle in the back " oop- is this still on? Oh um hel-" She said before the kidnapper took her phone and hanged up.

Hannah looked stun and Sam was at the phone looking at Hannah when a icy cold tear that she was holding back appeared on her face.

"Hello" said a monotone voice in the phone. Hannah rushes to the phone and answers "hello?! Who is this? Where is my mu-" Hannah was interrupted by the voice- "oh my my, is that who I think it is? Oh yeah! Hannah Randell. Is your little friend Samantha Hallow there too?" The weird voice asked. Sam could swear she heard faint laughing in the background but she comforted Hannah when she started shaking. "H-How do you know our names?" Hannah asked, stuttering. "Wait... what was I supposed to say again?" The weird voice whispered in the back, this time Sam wasn't the only one that caught it. "What's that laughing?!" Hannah asked into the phone, practically yelling. "Oh shoot it's on, umm you have 20 minutes before your mom dies at escapee's." The voice said before hanging up the phone.

"Wait" Hannah croaked before she started to sob, collapsing to the floor. "Let's go." Sam told her, urging her to get up. "And what would we do if we get there" Hannah explained, while cleaning her tears away and putting on a serious expression. "We get your mom back." Sam handed Hannah a baseball bat that magically appeared in her hands.

"What's the plan?" Hannah asked, pacing back and forth. "Okay, wait... he said escapees right?" "Yeah! That new escape room place we always wanted to have our birthday party at but the place was completely booked for tonight and tomorrow" Hannah said with a sad look" Let's go!" Sam said grabbing a map and Hannah's hand, she blushed. SHE BLUSHED. Samantha Hallow BLUSHED.

Soon they were running down the streets in their unicorn, and rainbow pikachu onsie.

•7 minutes later•
"This is hopeless" Sam said after 7 minutes of running in circles, stopping to look at squirrels, and carrying Hannah. Hannah glanced at Sam's map. "Sam... this map is the same age as my great grandpa Ronald! (R.i.p) Escapees wasn't even a thing then!!" Hannah sighed placing her hand on her head and sitting down on the side walk. "I'm sorry" Sam apologized as she turned the map in circles like that would make it younger.

"Grea-" Hannah's words were interrupted (yet again) by the loud fireworks which uncovered, the dark building in front of them, "Escapee!" Hannah and Sam exclaimed as they ran to the door.

The door opens up to... what a surprise, more doors. "Which one?" Sam asks staring at Hannah. "This one! It has my mums bracelet by the door!" Hannah said. Sam looks at Hannah's eyes as she looks at the bracelet. Sam let out a big sigh as she said "wait here." She covered her mouth with her finger and sneaked in the door with the baseball bat. It looked like she was in a spy movie. Sam signaled for Hannah to come inside...

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