Chapter 5- Classroom 142

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"What the-"
~And we continue~

I was just basically dragged back in the class and placed on one of the desks, the firm chest that picked me up is currently between my legs, both of his hands are still resting on my waist.

That smell, I gazed up and into my kidnappers eyes, green. And the best kind. The memory's of last night start flooding back. I bite my lip, my heart throbbed a bit. He looked good with no trace of sauce anywhere on him.

I realized the position we were in, man how come we always end up like this?

"H-hi" I stutter and blush, I can never control myself around him.

I could see his face slowly fade in a shade of red. It was cute, he looked like a baby.

"Hey cutie, sorry to stop you in your tracks, but can we talk? You've been kinda avoiding me."

I have. I can't look at him the same, I mean he's always been flirty but what he said in the closet keeps circling around in my head, and the fact that he said he was pushed doesn't make up for it.

I clench my jaw and melt about what might've happened if Damien wasn't there.

I guess I do have to respond to him. Although there's no way I'm gonna continue talking to him in this position.

"Uh yeah, sure. Not like this though" I whisper. Even if I whispered he could hear me. My hair was all frizzy, I sighed "the curly hair curse" I murmur.

James laughed, I could feel his eyes on me, all over me.

"You're probably right." James chuckles, his adorable laugh creeps in,

Holy dimples

He took a few steps back and pulled up a chair. I jumped off the desk and almost tripped on air.. again, James has that affect on me.

"So are you gonna pull up a chair or sit on my lap? I'm fine with either" I rolled my eyes,

"No James I'm not going to give you the pleasure me sitting on you."

"Your loss." James says, he's so cocky.

I pull up a chair and sit across from him, silence... that's all there was. We were staring at each other.


I pushed back my hair from my face, it was getting annoying.

"You're cute." James randomly added.

"You just noticed?" I say with a smirk.

"Nah, I noticed awhile ago babygirl."

There he goes again with the babygirl thing, if only he knew how weak it made me. My face turned red, I stood up and turned around to get my lunch ID which I almost forgot when I was leaving.

"Hey hannah, nice view" James laughed, well that was suspicious.

I turned around as much as I could to see what was on my pants because there was really nothing else to be admiring. To my surprise there was spaghetti sauce all over my rear end.

I quickly turn to look at the desk James placed me on, sauce butt imprints.

I covered my face with my palms. "James! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you knew, If it makes you feel better you can wear my hoodie. It would probably cover most of it. " James offered with a smug smirk on his face before his expression disappeared as he took off his hoodie.

I can see a bit of his v-line, I felt a blush creep up.

He could easily rearrange my guts.

James handed me his hoodie, his hands softly trailed over mine. There's no way that was a accident.

"Your hands are soft." I croaked, did I really say that out loud.

He laughed as I got up and turned around to put on his hoodie. Footsteps followed me.

"You look like you need some help there" he says.

I rolled my eyes, "I don't but your gonna try to anyways aren't you?" I say, while fixing my hair.

He nodded as he came closer, entrapping me in his arms. We were in the same position as we were in the closet. His hands are around my waist, he leaned in slowly placing kisses on my neck.

What is he thinking...

"J-James, not here" I blurted.

Mmm "so where, Han-a-land?" He asks.

That nickname...

"Where did you get that name from?" I ask, walking away from his embrace. My eyes were wide, that's what my mom used to call me.

"Oh I just thought it matches you since you're always day- dreaming... like you're in your own land." James chuckles.

I few tears starting to form, my mom- only she called me that... I can't be here, he can't see me like this...

James POV
- I started laughing but... she's not? Maybe I went too far with kissing her neck, sometimes I lose control around her, I can't help it. I look up into her eyes, she looks like she's about to cry, I hit a nerve.

"S-seeya later James" she says before she walks past me and runs towards the nurses office.

"I messed up..."

This is another short chapter because chapter six is gonna be c r a z y! Stay tuned! <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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