day 6 pt 2

432 11 4

max stared in horror. the police clearly had not been to the house yet. they did leave out in the woods so i guess it made sense. but max had been so hungry and thirsty that he hadnt even gave it a second thought.

in the living room laid a pentagram drawn in book on the floor. David laying in the middle with a cult book opened to pag 78. Daniel had drank himself to death with koolaid. i guess he couldnt live with himself or it was apart of the ritual. max walked over to the book and read it hoping to find a answer.

"to sumon xemug updated.'

"wear all white

get a ritual knife

kill some one you love

draw a pentagram on the ground out of there blood

put there body in the middle of it.

burn it."

that was all max could read before his eyes were to full of tears to be able to read anymore. he slammed the book closed. after sobbing for a while on the ground he realized that David was not burn at all. and no where in the ritual did it say to drown yourself in koolaid. max thought for a second there could only be 1 reason.

Daniel couldnt do it. because he loved David. thats why he was trying to kill max. thats why he moved in to try and get close to max to "love" max as his parent figure like David had. all so he could do some stupid ritural. he failed. David had saved him. so Daniel took David instead. he most liked stopped couldnt live with himself after he killed David. and couldnt bare to live any longer.

max saw matches in Daniels hand. as if he was going to light David on fire but couldnt. so drank as much koolaid as he could to kill himself. it was hard to have sympathy. but max did find some in his heart. i guess it wasnt his fault he was born crazy. he was still very angry. but couldnt really take it out on anyone. both of his parents were dead.

pulled Davids body out from the bloody pentagram and dragged him into Davids room. he pulled him up onto his bed and put the blankets on his to cover the bloody wound. his eyes were already closed by Daniel. he could tell by all the signs that Daniel did after all love David.

max then tears streaming down his face climbed into bed with David and curled his arms around him like he would when he had a nightmare late at night. he hugged him tighter than he ever had before. wishing that it would bring with back. he would trade all the lives of all the people in the world just to bring David back.


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