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February 10th, 1977 

Remus, I want to ask you to the Valentine's day dance or whatever it is, but like I can't because you aren't bloody gay. james asked lily and im proud of that kid. Finally got that girl to say yes. 

Day 8 

You're like a bloody genius or something. You're so smart. Like, yeah James and I are smart too and we're at the top of the class, but you're number one. Evans is second just because you're so smart. Like, you can tune anyone out and just do work for hours on end. You'd probably read for years if someone didn't stop you. Like, yeah reading is cool and all but the outdoors exists too ya know? but i love that. I love that you don't give a shit whether or not you can go outside and play quidditch or run or something because youd rather just do smart things. And if you werent so smart, peter james and I wouldnt have anyone to get notes from when we miss them. And damn how havent you killed one of us yet. 

~ pads <3

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