Chapter 2:red's beginning Coded tale

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Part 1: start
3 years later
Day x
Beach midnight

???: (Laying on his back in the floor) "Blood? Why is there blood pouring out of my hands"
???: (Laughing) "Don't blame me, blame him for your miserable existence"

???: "Damn it all and who do you mean by him"
As white and black feathers fall from the sky and mist appeared with a white door large as gates appearing out of thin air
???: "You seem interesting if you grant me a wish I'll help you but note this your life will change for the best or worse is up to you So are you willing to open the door"

Part 1: Typical Day 

Day before the event
High school classroom afternoon 12:30 PM

Teacher: "Leon are you even hearing me"
A boy staring out the window turns to the teacher
Leon: "yes and to answer the question it was June 21, 1582 that Nobunaga died by Mitsuhide at Honnoji temple"

Teacher: "Correct to continue...."
Bell ringing
Teacher: "That it for today don't forget your homework for tomorrow"
The teacher left the classroom students took out their lunches and/or left the class to the lunchroom while Leon has his head down.

Student 1: "That guy is rude"
Student 2: "You mean Leon Nash yes he is especially those red eyes of his it's like he could see right through you"

Student 3: "Red eyes and white hair he stands out a lot"

Student 4: "Have you heard that in his old school he was known as the red-eyed devil"

Leon smacked the table which shut the entire class up and stormed out
Student 5: "Scary"
  In the hallway staircase, Leon is walking up and notice a girl by the rooftop door hair white as snow and eyes blue as deep as the ocean at midnight.

Girl: "Let me guess couldn't sleep with the class talking about you again"
Leon: "Right as always Hime"
Hime: "Still do you need to act like this your giving them reasons to hate or avoid you"

Leon: " It's not my fault you know I'm straight forward"
They enter the roof and Hime gave Leon a lunch box
Hime: "You know your 16 years old living by yourself barely any friends and no girlfriend"
Leon: "That's a low blow and what about you the Mayor's daughter enrolled in a public school no boyfriend and hanging out with the worst delinquent in school"

They both sighed and started to eat
Hime: "I mean what I said you need to change a bit and get a friend"
Leon: (smiling)" I get it you don't need to worry about me just hang out with your friends and worry about being student council president "

Hime: (blushing and whispering ) "You don't get it you idiot"
Leon: "what was that ?"
Hime: "nothing lunch is almost over we should go back to class"
Leon: "alright see you later"
Leon laid down and closed his eyes Hime looked at Leon before kicking him awake

Leon: "Ouch"
Hime: "Go to class right now"
Leon: "My grades are perfect enough to skip class"
Hime: (Still kicking Leon)"I don't care if your grades are perfect as student council president I order you to go to class"
Leon: (pushing Her away from himself)"since when were you on the side of authority"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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