Chapter 8 - Jealousy looks cute on you

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Chapter 8 - Jealousy looks cute on you

Ariana's POV:

"You did a good job." I smiled at Justin, Jaxon and Jeremy as I picked Jazzy up.

"Men always do it better." Justin sighed in relief as a little smirk appeared on his face.

After we got back from our little picnic trip, the boys set the tents up.

"Now it's the ladies' turn." Justin smirked as he sat down on the grass, Jeremy joined him.

"You're gonna help me pack everything out?" I asked Jazmyn. She gave me that adorable smile of hers and nodded.

"Leggo!" she cheered. I chuckled and placed her on the ground. "This is ours." Justin told me as he pointed at the left tent.

"Good. Let's start with that one first."

"Come on Jax, we'll pack our stuff out." Jeremy took Jaxon's hand and took him to their tent.

I rolled out the sleepingbags as Jazzy placed the pillows on them. I placed the backbags behind the sleepingbags and sprayed some bugspray in the tent and around it.

"Done!" Jazzy smiled. We got out and sat down next to Justin.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

He glanced at his wristwatch. "Four o'clock."

I nodded and closed my eyes. The sun was so nice on my skin.

"Jay, Jay look. People!" I heard Jazzy's angelic voice tell Justin.

I opened my eyes again and noticed the two boys and three girls laughing with something and playing around.

"Let's hope that they don't come and say hi." Justin mumbled.

"Justin, you can't isolate yourself okay? Maybe they're really nice." I told him.

"Mm." He said.

I looked back at the people as they noticed us. Shit.

One of the boys waved at me. He looked my age. He tapped one of the girls' shoulders as she turned around and waved too.

I awkwardly smiled and waved back.

They all started walking towards us. "Fuck." Justin said.

"You cursed!" Jazzy gasped. I tried not to laugh with that look on her face.

"Ah yes, I'm sorry Jazzy. Won't do it again." Justin smiled as he tapped her nose with his index finger.

"Just be nice, okay?" I told him as the group of teenagers got closer.

They stopped right in front of us. They seemed nice.

"Hey, how are y'all doing?" A girl told us.

"Um, hi, were good." I smiled at her.

"Hey, aren't you Justin Bieber?" One of the boys asked Justin.

Justin's face went pale.

"Yes, he is." I told them.

"Cool! I love your music, man." He said.

That made Justin smile. His whole face lit up.

"Thanks, man."

"Wanna join us sitting at the wooden table? We offer free drinks." The boy said again.

"Sure!" I smiled. I got up and grabbed Justin's hand automaticly. Our fingers interlocked.

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