Chapter 1: Businessman

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Alright this is the Version where Dec is the business man... I wrote both versions but then had an idea about how I wanted it all to end and it's just worked better this way, I've tried really hard to make it seem more natural so I totally understand if no one likes it but it might be worth sticking with it if you like dominant Ant 😉

(Increased the age gap between the boys btw I just wanted Ant to be slightly more childlike for now)

Declan Donnelly muttered a curse, he rubbed his temples tiredly as his eyes wondered over the last of the company's annul stats report. He dismissed the file and leant back in his chair. Going over these reports was the most boring part of his job. He knew all too well his responsibility's and an empire as big as his didn't run itself, but sometimes he felt as though he'd done nothing in his life except work.

Started by his grandfather, Donnelly Enterprises was now one of the biggest businesses in the country thanks to the combined efforts of his grandfather, then his father and finally himself. However, since there was a great deal of emphasis on keeping the enterprise alive and in the family, Dec had literally been raised only to care for the business. When his father passed away soon after his 18th birthday, he had been forced to leave his studies to run the business. Each of his brothers and sisters owned section of the enterprise in different countries across the world. They were the ultimate power family of Business. Declan, although the youngest, had always shown a natural talent for making money and was proud to say that none of his siblings companies had risen to anywhere near the heights his had.

However, none of these thoughts could chase away the lingering loneliness he felt day to day. His sex life was good, being as rich as he was meant being able to afford the best of the best. But he longed for the feel of someone he truly cared about waiting for him back home. Instead the short time he'd spent in his large, empty mansion were so lonely and uncomfortable, he found himself trying to stay away as long as he could.

The phone rang and he answered it quickly, lowering his tone as he spoke, "Donnelly"

"Hey Donnelly, it's Cat." Came the songful which was a welcome blessing on his ears. "I wanted to know if you would be dining at home tonight?"

"No I'll be out tonight Cat and For the record it's Dec okay?" Dec gave a small smile. Cat was his only friend, she was a young model who was also an aspiring actor and entertainer. She moved to town a couple of months ago and ended up staying with Dec, declaring she couldn't find a better place to stay. She was a lovely girl, but because of both of their works they hardly saw each other and she only really came back to the house to sleep and eat between photo shoots and auditions.

"Sorry Deckers." Dec could feel Cats grin from behind the phone. "Just slips out sometimes."

"Aye well get better brakes for it, okay? I'll see you tomorrow."

"Declan? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it' know, just the usual thing....." Dec sighed.

"Oh, Dec...." Cat cooed, sounding sympathetic, "You'll find someone soon. You just gotta keep looking."

"I'm not even looking for love anymore. I just want someone who'll, you know, be there. Not like a prostitute or anything, just someone who'll be at home when I come back....."

"Basically, you're looking for a girl that doesn't leave in the morning? Well, I don't know if you want to hear this, but I've heard of this man who apparently 'sells' people. It's not like slavery or anything, god no! It's all legitimate, they're basically like rented husbands or wives. They can be your escorts, your assistants, anything. Would you like me to find out where you can find him?"

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